Some of our allies doubt our resolve, but their concern is our fetish for CO2-emitting SUVs.
With its fetish for punctuality, new planes and affordable fares, IndiGo has been steadily ascending.
Schwandt returned from studying in the UK in 2005 with an unabashed Britpop fetish.
An ambitious finance minister with a reputation for prudence and a fetish for targets, perhaps.
The Fed would have to abandon its interest rate fetish, and target the price of something real.
All of which are seriously underfunded now thanks to the no tax fetish of the past 40 years.
The King of Sentences, unmistakably, though withered like a shrunken-apple fetish of the noble cipher in the photograph.
Most of the testimony came from Sergey Merenkov, the Russian founder of a fetish website used by Valle.
For other big firms, such as Sony and Panasonic, the fetish of production can be a bane, however.
Fetish characters described in Stefon's many SNL reports made up the bridal party, including "human traffic cones" as bridesmaids.
The problem is an enduring fetish to store big data without making plans for how it will be used.
It wasn't until I joined Special Forces, the British Special Air Service, that my watch fetish really took hold.
If the talks fail, it will be because this breed of Republicans has elevated a preference into a fetish.
Like his version of Schoenberg, it gives an outside perspective on a cultural fetish and those who fetishize it.
FORBES: How Cory Arcangel Makes Art Memes Out Of YouTube Videos And Super Mario Bros.
The coroner said there was no evidence of interest in claustrophilia, a fetish for enclosure in very confined spaces.
In essence, the big data storage fetish is a form of denial.
Some drivers are taking this gadgetry fetish even further, with worrying results.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | What can drivers do at the wheel?
This is just another example of the EPA's fetish for junk science.
But the 1%-of-GDP fetish is not just fundamentally flawed, it has also failed to win political support or show positive results.
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Namely, the central banks and other sundry monetary authorities strove to hoard gold, to collect it like they had a fetish for it.
This idea emerged after a fascinating conversation with Marco Pacelli, CEO of ClickFox, who said that he encounters this fetish on a regular basis.
Some argue that endurance athletics have made a fetish out of negative splits and that giving them the boot may lead to more-spectacular performances.
Now Kermit just has a fetish, so has he always been playing hard to get with Piggy as part of some role-playing that we haven't previously established?
As I pointed out in Curing the Big Data Storage Fetish, much of the money currently going into big data is paying for storage.
FORBES: Ten Properties of the Perfect Big Data Storage Architecture
But why make a fetish of a "smoking gun" when there are bullet-riddled corpses-- in the form of now-busted recently public companies--all over the street.
In New York, closing schools became a new fetish for reformers.
FORBES: Thoughts on ��The Death and Life of the Great American School System�� (Part One)
Public services that treat choice as a 'fetish' and an 'obsession'.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: George Osborne speech
Marker and a few other managers like him make a fetish about timing--waiting months and often years for the right moment to buy a suffering stock.
We spoke to him about his own fashion choices ("comfortable"), favorite endurance sports (reading Proust) and darkest secrets (well, it's a chair fetish, and currently under control).
Hitchcock gives us a man obsessed with control, who had a fetish not simply for blondes in general but for the specific features of a specific blonde.