The regulars divided into turban-wearers (traditionalists) and fez-wearers (modernisers), even if few of them actually wore headgear.
Before you get to Fez, ensure you have your wallets refilled and you have recharged your credit cards.
Mr Parker, of Loop Road, Distington, was known as Billy by his family and Fez to his friends.
If you are a shopaholic, Fez is most certainly the place to be.
For the Moroccan courtyard the museum commissioned carvings by craftsmen from Fez.
Webo opened the scoring for Cameroon in Fez in the 18th minute when his left-footed shot cannoned into the net off the post.
Our favorite stock holdings are the SPDR Euro Stoxx 50 (FEZ).
The launch of the initiative took place during the First International Forum on Media and Information Literacy, held from 15 to 17 June 2011 in Fez, Morocco.
For centuries, silver-bearded turbaned craftsmen from Fez and Meknes had been coming to work in the ancient mosques and palaces of Marrakech, instructing sloe-eyed youths in their arts.
There's not much to those memories, but I distinctly recall the tinny circus sounds accompanying the opening animation of Clowns and Balloons and a fez-sporting monkey perched on a high wire.
On my first trip to Morocco, in the early '70s, after renting a car in Tangiers, we drove southward hundreds of miles through Fez, over the Atlas Mountains and eventually deep into the Sahara.
Now a stalwart on the scene, Si Simo gained fame with the rap group Fez City Clan, making enough money from concerts and touring to move out of his run-down neighbourhood in Casablanca.
Last year's presidential election was touted as such a sign, but in the end Mr Mubarak ran against state-funded candidates whose programmes included such ideas as making the fez mandatory headgear and moving the capital to Alexandria.
Mr. Zimmern recalls when he was dining in the home of a very conservative family in Fez, Morocco, and he got so exuberant over learning how to make pigeon pie, he reached over to give the matriarch a big hug and kiss on the cheek.
As both developers and game journalists explain, the small and more flexible nature of indie teams lets them delve into game concepts, art and sound that major developers typically avoid -- you probably wouldn't get Bastion, Fez or Super Meat Boy out of a company focused mostly on hitting its quarterly revenue targets.