You hear about Google Fiber and some crazy broadband WiFi being rolled out in various cities.
Edison tried 1, 600 materials before settling on carbonized cotton fiber as the filament for his electric light bulb.
During November, Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) Fiber proved to be the fastest ISP available.
Lined with sensing devices, the anonymous carbon fiber blades are vibrated back and forth.
First up, while carbon fiber is strong and light, it also lacks a certain rigidity.
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Next up: new optical-switching technology, an undersea fiber pipeline for international traffic and overseas acquisitions.
It is building an all-Internet network, encompassing 40, 000 miles of newly laid fiber-optic lines--on the cheap.
The difference is that there's no fiber, so you'll save the cost of fiber.
Google Fiber and its launch in three U.S. cities (Kansas City, Austin and Provo).
FORBES: How Government Money?Helped A Small, Rural Phone Company Undercut Google Fiber
Telecom gear maker MRV Communications sold shares in its fiber-optic unit, Luminent, when fiber was humming.
The typical fiber-optic cable now holds 144 strands of glass, enough to accommodate 57.6 terabips.
Someday we'll all have "fiber to the forehead, " says Gerald Butters, head of technology strategy.
What matters is not the quantity of fiber-optic cable but the quality, or rather its productivity.
In America, "cycling is something you do in man-made fibers on carbon-fiber wonderbikes, " said Colville-Anderson.
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In countries like the Philippines and Indonesia fiber optic in every home is science fiction.
The 1980s were defined by the PC revolution, the 1990s by the fiber-optic and Internet booms.
The bubble years saw an immense build-out of fiber-optic capacity as telcos new and old--Worldcom!
That we could make the quality of glass fiber necessary to transmit long-distance signals.
The problem, apparently, is that the curve of the earth itself means fiber is too slow.
Silicon speaks the language of electrons, but fiber-optic cable uses the language of photons.
Wharf Cable is switching to a state-of-the art fiber-optic network and revamping its programming mix.
They supply the superlight carbon fiber wings for the Boeing 787, for instance (NYSE: BA).
Only under perfect circumstances will you get 56K. Optical fiber, though, is stunning stuff.
As a recent article explained, exchanges are building microwave towers in order to avoid fiber-optic cable.
That information leaves the phone traveling as a light beam moving through fiber optic networks.
Without the fiber and the mineral content of that stalk fiber the soils become quickly depleted.
Anschutz laid extra fiber for himself and from these data highways formed Qwest Communications.
Most importantly, reform local franchising so competitors like Google Fiber can build their own networks.
Video, mobile data, Web services and cloud storage are soaking up the once-forlorn fiber very quickly.
From 2002 to late 2007 the capacity utilization of undersea fiber optic cable barely moved.