The world's tenth-largest contract electronics manufacturer has seen increased orders for printers and fiber-optics products.
In another domain, not far away from the chip and fiber-optics factories, software writers cooked up clever uses for the new powers.
Replace all of it with new optical machines that work in the realm of photons--no translation required--and fiber-optics capacity will expand even more.
It aims to wire up buildings, at no charge, with the ultimate broadband pipeline--fiber optics--as a platform for selling additional services.
To explain what Corning has--or may have in fiber optics--FORBES will have to step out of character for several hundred words and do a bit of science reporting.
Instead of lagging the world in this critical area, we would quickly lead it, just as we did with microchips, fiber optics and--until recently--the Internet.
Because it was too expensive to deploy all the computers needed to serve small local markets, fiber-optic backbones now serve mainly as cross-country thruways, but the shift to optics could let fiber networks extend farther into neighborhoods than ever before.
For 25 years high costs had confined fiber optics to handling long-haul tasks.
Lucent botched a shift in demand to cutting-edge gear for fiber optics, failing to recognize telecom companies' hunger for bandwidth and then reacting too slowly to stop them from defecting to archrival Nortel Networks.
He was the guy in charge of fiber optics during the telecom run-up and crash.
It is also a vital component of high-voltage wires, magnetic coatings for high-density hard disk drives, fiber optics, fiberglass, catalytic converters and spark plugs.
In Brazil, through copper cable-maker Madeco, they own a majority of fiber optics and copper cable maker Ficap.
Verizon has been replacing high-maintenance portions of its residential copper network with fiber optics to provide enhanced services and to reduce ongoing repair costs.
ENGADGET: Verizon adds 'record-high' 2.1 million subscribers in Q4 2012, but still makes a loss
In lay terms, it could allow increased bandwidth for fiber optics, and since it's built on-chip, integration with existing doodads shouldn't be too much of a hassle.