That decision was made after Rangers manager Ron Washington and Diamondbacks manager Kirk Gibson gathered with other officials, including Rangers CEO Nolan Ryan and general manager Jon Daniels, tosurvey the field.
Previous attempts to count emperor penguins systematically have been thrown off because field biologists could survey the penguin rookeries only during the extended daylight of the Antarctic summer, when conditions are relatively balmy and the penguins usually are scattered, feeding at sea.
Almost a billion "points" were collected during the Baillie survey and this raw data was processed to create high-resolution models showing field boundaries, walls and ancient monuments.
The example we gave was you thought you wanted to start a public relations firm but a quick survey told you potential customers thought the field was saturated.
The image was discovered by the Wide-Field Infared Survey Explorer (WISE), which scans the night sky for lights in the infrared range to discover more about different aspects of astronomical objects.