Fifty-nine percent of those surveyed say they see gasoline prices as an extremely important issue now.
Hennessy is fifty-nine, six feet tall, and trim, with thinning gray hair and a square jaw.
Fifty-nine flood warnings and 298 alerts are in place in England, including the north west and Wales.
Fifty-nine percent said state and local officials' initial response was poor, while 38 percent said it was good.
Fifty-nine percent now think that Starr should stop his investigation into this matter.
Last year, an estimated four hundred thousand acres of opium poppies were planted in Afghanistan, a fifty-nine-per-cent increase over the previous year.
In 1932, Yale received thirteen hundred and thirty applications, and it admitted nine hundred and fifty-nine an acceptance rate of seventy-two per cent.
In 2006 and 2008, sixteen Democrats entered the Senate, giving the Party its current majority of fifty-nine to forty-one (counting two independents).
Fifty-nine percent said if McCain wins the presidential election, Congress should be controlled by Democrats, with 39 percent saying Republicans should control it.
Fifty-nine percent of respondents said that New Orleans residents were now handling the situation well, while 37 percent said they were doing a poor job.
The coverage pleased Long, who is fifty-nine, and who became close to Rogers after the death of both his parents, assuming an almost motherly role.
Fifty-nine percent of the scared group said they've made permanent changes.
Banded with steel and coiled with thick rope at the ends, the Oak weighed four hundred and fifty-nine pounds it took five large men to carry it onstage.
In 1999, after seven prisoners tried to escape from Huntsville, Willingham and four hundred and fifty-nine other inmates on death row were moved to a more secure facility, in Livingston, Texas.
Fifty-nine percent of independents in 2006 voted for Democrats.
And I've been thinking that the very first one, the one you push to start it all off, must have been when Vivi slipped off our bell tower and nearly died, fifty-nine years ago.
Fifty-nine responses were received during the public consultation.
While the spread of support between Obama and Romney is the Hispanic community has skewed heavily toward the President, polls show that only fifty-nine percent of this group is enthusiastic about the race, a drop of eighteen percent from the 2008 election.
FORBES: Voter Enthusiasm Gap The Real Challenge To Obama Re-Election
At nine-fifty on a February night in 2001, a twenty-two-year-old black man was shot while driving his Ford Taurus station wagon through a neighborhood on the edge of the Rutgers University campus.
Fifty-two remaining defendants - including nine police officers - will be judged by a court sitting for security reasons in the capital, Cairo.
When she was in the middle in a case, she would, in effect, give one side fifty-one per cent and the other forty-nine.
He is fifty-one and has been the extension agent there for nine years.
The best athletes were in the middleweight classes: Amanda Sandoval and Rizelyx Rivera, at fifty-eight kilos, and Natalie Burgener, at sixty-nine.
New Zealand had declared on their overnight score of 452-9, Shane Bond nine short of a maiden Test fifty.
Fifty-five percent of the Class of 2011 had no full-time work nine months after graduating, he said, and even prestigious law schools apparently have turned to hiring their own grads to polish their placement records.
FORBES: Class-Action Firms Capitalize On Wretched Market For Law-School Grads
Professor Francis has published widely on these topics, with nine books and more than fifty journal articles, book chapters and commissioned-policy papers.