We've got incredible character and we're determined to fight for every single point there is left.
His fight against the Mapalad farmers is, in his eyes, a fight for autonomy.
We need a leader who will fight for the big change we need to see.
CNN: Edwards' October 13, 2007, speech on restoring democracy
Meanwhile, Obama is promising to fight for tax increases that would make the economy worse.
It would be a monster fight for Vegas, as it would be in Britain and Germany.
"My main duty will be to fight for Wrexham and north Wales, " he said.
President Barack Obama decided to succumb to those interests rather than fight for the American people.
Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn pledged that his city will continue to fight for an NBA team.
Of course neither Frank nor Dodd are sinless heroes in the fight for financial reform.
FORBES: Is Financial Reform Doomed After The Barney Frank Era?
They fight for respect, for food and snacks, or simply to pass the time.
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"This is a great fight for me to prove myself, " said the Bolton fighter.
The poetry of his campaign is to fight for an America that used to be.
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The first thing I ever did in the fight for immigration reform was in April 2004.
"It's great to have competition and I'm ready to fight for my place, " he added.
Fight for smarter government that trusts the market but protects us against its excesses.
These are good jobs, and they're a source of pride that we need to fight for.
That could be fatal at a time when retailers need to fight for each sale.
There are no mulligans, no wildcat options, and no second brackets to fight for.
FORBES: March Madness: Avoid Financial Decisions That Are One-and-Done
Fight for the essence of that which is man: for his sovereign rational mind.
First Minister Peter Robinson vowed not to give up on the fight for the power.
We will see the fight for same-sex marriage in the changing attitudes and the recalcitrant ones.
God help the army that must fight for an idea rather than an objective.
Ask them to recite their immigrant journey, their struggles of independence and fight for opportunity.
FORBES: Transformational Changes Push Leaders to Embrace The Immigrant Mentality
"This is a real fight for the fans and I'm delighted that it's on, " he said.
While democrats fight for change within a system, Islamists seek to alter the system itself.
Kenya's struggle for independence from British colonial rule centred on the fight for land.
Being able to fight for the world title means systematically collecting points with two cars.
BBC: SPORT | Motorsport | Formula One | Renault set sights on F1 top spot
"Always fight for what you believe in the right way, with respect and persistence, " she said.
The military fight in Iraq, he says, remains largely a fight for human intelligence.