And those fighting it aren't just from law enforcement, border control or local authorities.
Meanwhile, the big leasers, led by tax uberlobbyist Kenneth Kies of Clark Consulting, are fighting back.
Fighting to protect and uphold the U.S. Constitution even means defending those we can't stand.
He is for market liberalization and fighting corruption in government and in the private sector.
They prevailed over mainly Mediterranean countries, which were fighting to protect the interests of their fishermen.
The UN has warned CAR's conflict is linked with fighting in Chad and Sudan.
"We need to start fighting like we're in a war, " says HIA counsel Melody Harned.
Front lines were drawn, road and railway connections were cut by the fighting, and tourism was dead.
As a result the two rivals are fighting it out less in the fields than in the courthouse.
Chairman Alan Greenspan and the chairman-to-be, Ben S. Bernanke, said they were fighting an anticipatory battle against deflation.
In clinical trials these substances have killed germs and showed potential in preventing cancer and fighting heart disease.
Among other Mexican cartels, the Zetas and the Sinaloa Cartel are now fighting over territories in Central America.
The bearish fund, fighting a bull market for junk, is off 4% so far this year.
"Afghanistan is committed to fighting it, because this evil is hurting us, " Karzai said.
Syrian activists reported new fighting in Qusair, about six miles (10 kilometers) from the Lebanese border.
The crazy food-fighting festival of La Tomatina began in 1945, but it is not known why.
Now the Pacers have a fighting chance to pull off a stunning playoff upset.
There will be tough fighting ahead, and the Afghan government will need to deliver better governance.
WHITEHOUSE: The 2011 State of the Union Address: Enhanced Version
On Saturday, Nares will begin his "Richard Runs California" fundraiser to help children fighting cancer.
However, Ospreys showed why they are the current title holders by fighting their way back.
Again, more money and resources fighting an enormously powerful, well funded and market leading competitor.
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Another is Zyvox, a totally new type of antibiotic for fighting microbes resistant to other medications.
Garner and Eubanks lived together wherever they could find an apartment, fighting viciously along the way.
Both of the girls' natural parents, who live apart, are fighting for custody of the twins.
In a head-to-head battle with Apple, Microsoft is fighting with one arm tied behind its back.
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Whether fighting a military rival or trying to beat the market, we must accept the fog.
FORBES: War Lessons for Investors I: Accept the Fog of Investing
Needless to say Goldman Sachs is fighting an uphill battle on the trust front.
"I'll be back for the third game against France, fighting fit, raring to go, " Moody stated.
The chancellor came out fighting, on Monday, in the wake of that downgrade by Moody's.