As well as the figure skating championships, April's new international team event in Yokohama has also been called off.
As well as being a leading figure in Lakas, Mrs Arroyo is vice-president of the Philippines.
The Independent says Mr Strauss-Kahn, who denies the claims, is a figure of formidable talents as well as flaws.
Companies figure that they might as well get your own mental block to work for you rather than against you, thus the rise of opt-out policies you see these days.
He will no doubt try to shift attention away from the job numbers' failure to meet expectations, and towards the 1.5m jobs that have been created in 11 straight months of employment growth (as well as the latest unemployment figure: the rate fell in July, from 5.6% to 5.5%).
Benedict also pointed out something that makes a lot of sense: with the proliferation of devices as well as their short lifespan (figure a mean of 18 months versus 3 years for a PC), mobile devices have become a disposable commodity.
The figure includes big solar farms as well as rooftop systems on homes and businesses.
FORBES: Report: Clean Power Is Moving (Gradually) Into Americans' Homes
For instance, the American Association of School Administrators, a national research and advocacy group, is projecting cuts of 227, 000 local education positions for the 2011-12 school year, a figure that includes teaching jobs as well as entry-level posts such as classroom support.
The number who say they agree with Obama on important issues has dropped a bit as well, and although that figure is still over 60 percent, it is one of the lowest scores he has received.
CNN: Poll: Most favor bipartisanship; Democrats, not so much
Dredd's partner, an anxious rookie named Cassandra, doesn't wear a helmet, since it would scramble her psychic powers, so she is played visibly, as well as audibly, by Olivia Thirlby, who succeeds in investing an action figure with affecting fear, impressive courage and a commitment to justice that serves as Cassandra's compass.
Figure out where you fall on this scale, as well as where your team members are positioned.
FORBES: The Single Biggest Factor VCs Look For In Startup Founders
Among these figure water-harvesting technologies and drip irrigation, as well as technologies that recycle grey water in peri-urban agriculture.
But the company kept coming back with more and more questions, and a year later they made a seven-figure offer with a per-unit royalty tacked on as well.
Called "the most influential private citizen in America" by Time, Dick Morris is a familiar figure as a commentator for the Fox News Channel and is well known for hard-hitting, nonpartisan commentary about the U.S. political scene.
Mike Taylor, author of the report, said they expected Crossrail to boost prices by an average of 20% - a figure derived from "wide-ranging research" research as well as the performance of other rail infrastructure projects both in the UK and abroad.
The "high end" of IPCC projections would imply a rise in global temperatures in the upper portion of its projected range of between 1.4 and 5.8C between 1990 and the end of this century, though the exact figure depends on how climatic systems respond to elevated CO2 as well as on how society responds.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Carbon emissions show sharp rise
The U.S. will remain the strongest driver but will need to find markets for selling more as well as buying. (Investment flows, and the strength of the dollar, will figure in this.) Another key factor will be China--how fast it integrates into the world trading system as a nation, and as 30-odd provinces and zones.
To close this gap, companies will have to figure out what really matters to customers in their traditional channels as well as digital channels.
FORBES: How Service Providers Must Grapple With Consumers' Itch To Switch
But figure that most of the top acts on this list do as well proportionately across the globe as they do in the U.S. Also not included: revenue from sponsorship, merchandise sales and mobile sales.
As for Schapiro, she is a well-known figure on Wall Street who now heads the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority which oversees securities firms.
During this time engineers figure out the next best way to put the phone together, as well as finding the best weight and the best components for certain models, so that the actual size of them feel good in our hands.
ENGADGET: HTC talks smartphone design: from inception to final product
But Progressive Education found that story unhelpful and it has fallen into obscurity, which explains why (as I alluded to before) a well-educated establishment figure like Jared Bernstein would be unaware of it.
FORBES: How A Failed Commune Gave Us What Is Now Thanksgiving
It didn't take long for Preston to figure out how he could help in a way that would change his fortune as well.
Mr DiIulio is a studiously middle-of-the road figure, an active New Democrat who hangs his hat at the Brookings Institution as well as the Manhattan Institute and who wrote a coruscating article denouncing the Supreme Court decision that brought Mr Bush to office.
An argument for athletic spending at Division 3 (and to some extent, Division 2) schools is that it is an important student recruiting device: at some liberal arts schools, 30-40 percent of students are on some intercollegiate team, and the figure is 10 percent or so at some Division 2 schools (as opposed to well under 5 percent at most FBS powerhouses).
FORBES: The College Athletic Cost Explosion Spreads to Divisions II & III
The idea was to figure out how organizations could become more profitable for the organizations and their shareholders, as well as being better for those doing the work and better for those for whom the work is being done.
There are other Duke family trusts for them as well, but chances are pretty good that the one-billion dollar figure is over-stated.
The ONS said that beyond the effect of ticket sales, it was hard to put an exact figure on the Olympic effect, although it cited increased hotel and restaurant activity in London as well as strength from employment agencies.
If the government is going to begin to respond to the financial crisis that we're in, they need to think about the people who've lost their homes and figure out a strategy for them, or who are about to lose their homes, as well as those people who will be impacted by the ripple effects of this housing crisis.