In total a five-figure number of vehicles will roll off the production line in Hambach, France.
ENGADGET: Third generation Smart Fortwo ditches Tesla powertrain, gains two wheeled cousin
With total production amounting to a five-figure number, from the spring of 2012 the further developed smart fortwo electric drive will start winning wide-ranging buyers in more than 30 countries for an innovative and forward-looking drive concept.
ENGADGET: Third generation Smart Fortwo ditches Tesla powertrain, gains two wheeled cousin
What we think would be extremely harmful, because of the uncertainty it creates, would be to create a tollbooth where every two or three weeks you have to collectively with Congress come up with a certain amount of -- certain figure, certain monetary -- number figure in order to fund the government for another two or three weeks.
More meaningful for pitcher pay is a quite different figure: total number of strikeouts.
But that's a fantasy figure, a number starry-eyed investors hoped their shares were worth.
There is currently no official figure for the number of victims trafficked into the country each year.
He puts a figure for the number of men he wants to hire for each part of the Samarra region.
In the seven countries where the HALO Trust (Britain's largest demining charity) works, the ICBL's figure for the number of mines is 40 million.
The council has previously declined to put a figure on the number of jobs which might be lost due to the reduction in its budget.
Brokerage firms figure that any number of their competitors would just love it if someone else would pick up the training costs for all the newbies.
FORBES: Wells Fargo Embroiled In Another Trainee Fee Dispute
He said there was no exact figure for the number of stock lost but there would probably be thousands of lambs and sheep in England and Wales.
But in the midst of that wiretapping bonanza, a more surprising figure is the number of cases in which law enforcement encountered encryption as a barrier: one.
There is no official figure on the number of people still missing, but Akram Hossain, a deputy director of the fire service, said their chances of survival were "diminishing by the minute".
Although there is currently no official figure for the number of victims trafficked into the country each year, in 2012 the Metropolitan Police Trafficked Victims Unit dealt with 147 victims and undertook 91 operations.
The decision comes on the heels of a report from Google that for the first time gave a ballpark figure of the number of its users targeted by NSLs over the last four years.
FORBES: Here's The Judge's Order Banning The FBI's Secret Requests For Companies' User Data
Or there is the comparison of nurses per head of population, where a figure for UK population was divided by a figure for the number of nurses - obtained from the Department of Health in London.
Under PERFORMANCE is the figure for the number of pupils eligible to take the tests and, next to that, the proportion of those deemed to have special educational needs (SEN) - with or without formal statements.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Guide to the primary school tables
Powell had also hoped to be given a specific figure for the number of nuclear warheads Russia is intending to scrap as part of ongoing arms reductions that are running in tandem with discussions on the ABM.
The figure emerged as a number of UK universities joined forces to launch a separate online project.
That figure takes the total number of days lost for officers and staff to at least 3, 007.
Figure 1 highlights the number of individual securities held in each fund, based on the latest Morningstar data.
We don't have a figure for the total number of violent youth offenders because of the way data is collected.
Davis says that the figure comes from the number of people throughout the world who have donated to the church.
What really matters is how much work a chip can accomplish, a figure measured by the number of instructions executed per clock cycle.
There are now a couple hundred million PCs in use in the world today--a figure rapidly approaching the number of automobiles, TV sets and telephones.
He came up with the 80m figure by multiplying the number of dots, or pixels, in a high-resolution image (about 1m-2m) by the number of surfaces that an imaginary ray of light corresponding to each pixel would encounter as it bounced around a complex scene (say, 50-100).
That figure does not represent the number needed to pacify Iraq, but the maximum number that can easily be dispatched there.
He is one of 6 tycoons to move into the billionaire ranks, pushing up the number of ten figure fortunes to 32.
FORBES: Indonesia's Burgeoning Middle Class Helps Boost Fortunes Of Country's Richest
"The core figure to us is the number of readers times the duration they spend on the software, " McSpurren said, stressing the multiplication.
The 1, 150 visitors on World Heritage Day set a new daily record for attendance to the garden, a figure which included a large number of first time visitors.