He had previously been known as a figure on the mainstream left of the party.
Why, then, does his name not figure on honours boards across the British Isles?
He cut a deft figure on the podium, leading in lucid and propulsive style.
NPR's Jim Zarroli tells Renee Montagne that Madoff was a respected, venerable figure on Wall Street.
Lessig is a leading figure on the social democratic left, the director of the Edmond J.
FORBES: Time For A Constitutional Convention? It's the Integrity, Stupid, Part 2
The only face not smiling in the mural is a figure on the far left.
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Spanish big-spenders Real Madrid, incredibly, then beat that English figure on their own in the off-season.
CNN: Football clubs struggling to stay afloat in a sea of debt
Veteran politician Tony Benn said Pinter was a great figure on the political scene.
They put a dollar figure on the American lives lost or damaged by debilitating injury.
In fact, the real historical figure on which Jean Valjean was based was in reality pardoned.
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He began by drawing her figure on the canvas with a few fluid gestures.
FORBES: Masterpieces For Everyone? The Case Of The Socialist Art Forger Tom Keating [Book Excerpt]
Given the academy's stodgier tendencies, figure on a nomination for something like The Producers.
Another powerful figure on the right, Mike Harris, Ontario's premier since 1995, is bowing out this month.
However, Baroness Thatcher, who has died aged 87 after suffering a stroke, was a divisive figure on Merseyside.
Perhaps the most vocal advocate of a pull-out is Olivier Besancenot, a minority figure on the far left.
And the paper highlights an astonishing figure on capital spending plans set out in the Treasury's last autumn statement.
He concluded by charting some of the priorities that might figure on the post-2015 international agenda for educational development.
But the really important figure on construction will be the one for December, according to Alan Clarke at Scotiabank.
One very senior figure on the Commission argued hard, my sources say, for the idea to be scrapped entirely.
The release of two independent, government commissioned reports will help authorities put a figure on that later this month.
CyberSLAPP cases typically involve a person who has posted anonymous criticisms of a corporation or public figure on the Internet.
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After also rejecting the Sejm resolution, Mr Belka said his government would try to put a figure on Poland's wartime losses.
The Cabinet Office minister refused to put a figure on the new investment in improving access to online public services and information.
The Treasury said it could not currently put a figure on the cost of compensating British troops and civil servants in Cyprus.
Ford, even Chrysler, and, of course, Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, Hyundai and all the others would figure on gaining business--perhaps lots of business.
Figure on more than 140 players still being available by early January, estimates one former general manager, a lot by historical standards.
Official figures show that annual net migration to the UK in 2010 was 252, 000 - the highest calendar year figure on record.
Figure on spending a multiple of the purchase price for the conversion.
Five feet away four people crowded around a figure on the ground.
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As for Schapiro, she is a well-known figure on Wall Street who now heads the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority which oversees securities firms.