The stress of figuring all this out is difficult enough without the terror of the disease itself.
With Cerezyme, Genzyme began by figuring out what kind of doctors patients with Gaucher disease visit.
Some very smart people are hard at work at figuring out how to do so.
Arbitron, likewise, is still figuring out how to fold streaming audio into its model.
FORBES: Nielsen Buys Arbitron, Radio Ratings Service, In $1.3 Billion Deal
Nothing is tougher than figuring out which tax breaks your kids qualify you for.
Another big hurdle in drug discovery is quickly figuring out whether a molecule will be toxic.
At first she ignored it, figuring it was from rowdy students coming home from a bar.
While figuring out what to do next, she held a garage sale to de-clutter her house.
WSJ: Ki Nassauer, Envisioning Treasures From Piles of Junk | Creating
Within two months he was working at Google, figuring out what else they should open up.
Figuring out how to share revenue with athletes, of course, is a labor unto itself.
The first place to start is figuring out which form a small business needs to file.
Risk management software is not always good at figuring out how those global links work.
But he was now obsessed with figuring out the stock market, uncovering its secrets.
"You have to spend a lot of time figuring out who is who, " he says.
But while they are busy figuring it out, Carson content has already found its way there.
Since this is about business, figuring out how to add social to your processes is critical.
Caveat: Figuring the taxes on DRIPs is nightmarish unless you keep careful records (see box).
Figuring out which new viruses could mutate into the next pandemic won't be easy.
At Montreal, they're figuring out how to do that and, also, what to do after 2012.
But the Silicon Valley veteran gave in, figuring technology prospers when you cede control--and how.
Figuring out what goes on farther south at exchange houses like Ribadeo is even dicier.
Figuring himself a franchising whiz, Katz got into gyms, executive recruiting, dentistry, hair salons and cosmetics.
He moved headquarters to Phoenix, figuring recruitment would be easier there than in remote New Mexico.
Figuring football's most overpaid players requires a mix of statistics, general observation and common sense.
Figuring out if their online social commitments impact their offline behavior required another step.
The problem has been figuring out how to unlock those efficiency improvements in the real world.
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Even so, his father finally let him put studies aside, figuring the venture would soon falter.
In the meantime, companies are figuring out ways to provide funding within the current rules.
FORBES: Are You Looking for a Small Business Loan in the Right Places?
In Asia, the problem is often figuring out why people are paid what they are.
One of those mechanisms is figuring out how to believe what the group believes.