In a country of Confucian tradition, Koreans have long regarded filial piety as the source of all virtue.
The strongest elements are the descriptions of working-class life and the tender portrayal of maternal and filial love.
She then abducts and secretly brings up Manrico as her own son, who devotes boundless filial love to her.
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Eldercare is a ticking time bomb, especially in countries where filial piety is tightly woven into the cultural value system.
To them the welfare state was a Western aberration that would serve only to undermine thrift, industry and filial duty.
ECONOMIST: Asian welfare states: New cradles to graves | The
Jesus certainly regarded himself as having a filial connection to the person he called, in his native Aramaic, Abba, or Father.
The young apprentice must struggle with filial obligations, his sense of morality and whether it's better to possess money or integrity.
In addition to classical works that emphasize themes of loyalty and filial duty, new dramas have been produced with modern themes and choreography, but retaining the traditional Kumiodori style.
But this filial devotion didn't endear him to teammates.
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The earlier children are introduced to these teachings, he believes, the sooner they will acquire mental maturity, improved concentration and stronger moral standards, such as filial piety and respect for teachers and elders.
Ezra Susser, an epidemiologist at Columbia, realised that a famine experienced by the Dutch at the end of the second world war had created an ideal set of subjects for a study of maternal malnutrition and filial psychopathology.
In his scenes with Cusack, the filial relationship grows plausibly and movingly, thanks to the perceptive eye of the director, Menno Meyjes, and the cinematographer, Robert Yeoman, one of the few who know how to keep a camera still.
Subsequently, all three brothers converge on the family home, not only arranging the funeral and burning their father's possessions in a garden pyre, but remaining in his house for months after their filial obligations are dispatched, sampling an aimless liberation.