There's one group of fiscal conservatives nearly enough to sustain a filibuster of the spending bill.
So we'll have to see what the Senate actually does, whether Republicans filibuster this bill.
They say it's not a filibuster, but Majority Leader Frist said he was very disappointed.
In fact, for many Americans, the repugnance of that particular filibuster cost the device its legitimacy.
Now Republican fears are growing that Democrats could lock in a filibuster-proof 60-40 majority in Congress.
The market is discounting an Obama presidency and a 60-seat filibuster-proof Democratic Senate majority.
And that means the question of a filibuster on a Supreme Court nominee remains open.
Will Harry Reid try to ice McConnell by threatening his right to use the filibuster?
FORBES: Limiting Deductions Could Be The New Tax Hike In Fiscal Cliff Avoidance
However, Feinstein's proposal is considered unlikely to overcome an expected Republican filibuster in the Senate.
Terms of this option prohibit a filibuster as an effort to squelch the move.
Senate Republicans have enough members (41) to filibuster a tax bill put forth by Democrats.
Democrats aren't likely to get the 60 seats they need to automatically cut off a filibuster.
But unless the 14 understand that a filibuster's OK, then there won't be another filibuster.
And part of that means to filibuster if we feel that events warrant that.
Are you worried at all about a filibuster threat over your Commerce Secretary nominee?
Some Republicans have cited that as justification for a possible filibuster against his nominee.
Opponents call the bill a violation of free speech and will filibuster to block it.
Mr. Reid may sense this is coming, which could explain his recent complaints about the filibuster.
In the Senate, Republicans would like to boost their majority to a filibuster-proof 60 seats.
When you filibuster something that is ultimately approved with 88 or 90 votes, what were you filibustering?
As with money and politics, the filibuster has also made other issues altogether impossible to consider even.
The Paul filibuster garnered support on the internet and picked up momentum as the night went on.
The longest talking filibuster was recorded by the late Senator Strom Thurmond - just over 24 hours.
That makes 46 votes against a tax increase, which ought to be enough to maintain a filibuster.
Sixty votes are needed to break a filibuster, and the Democrats hold 58 seats in the Senate.
CNN: Poll: Most favor bipartisanship; Democrats, not so much
In reality, it takes a simple majority to pass legislation but 60 votes to break a filibuster.
Not only that, we can admire that Paul used the filibuster the way it should be used.
CNN: Rand Paul, a civil liberties hero and civil rights villain
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell for his part has threatened to filibuster the resolution introduced this week.
Wyden has put a hold on the bill in the Senate, and has promised a full filibuster.
In 2010 it narrowly passed the House, but was blocked by a Republican filibuster in the Senate.
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