She finds this depressing, and a sign that Filipinos lack pride in their own country.
They regularly decry the tendency of poor Filipinos to vote for scoundrels based on name recognition.
From Cartier to Tiffany, the Tantocos bring life's luxuries to Filipinos through their Rustan retail empire.
The Longchamp carries a a crew of 12 Filipinos and one Indonesian, Christensen said.
At least 100 Filipinos landed by boat in the Lahad Datu district last month.
Garry Martinez of Migrante International, a labour organisation, reckons that Saudisation could eventually affect 360, 000 Filipinos.
Malaysian authorities who could comment on the Filipinos' call for a ceasefire were not immediately available.
The majority are Indonesians, with Bangladeshis, Filipinos and Thais making up most of the rest.
Filipinos, who wear everything on their sleeves, drive jeepneys with religious mottoes emblazoned all over them.
Yet it is easy to see why Filipinos strive so hard to keep failing companies alive.
Mrs Marcos tried to persuade Filipinos to elect her to the presidency in 1992, but failed.
For years, Filipinos from New Jersey's second-largest city have made pilgrimages to the Jollibee in Woodside, Queens.
WSJ: Sweet Spaghetti, and a Bit of Pride: A Jollibee Opens in Jersey City
While Filipinos celebrate, however, many of their fellow Asians may wonder what all the fuss is about.
The conflict cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Filipinos and about four thousand U.S. soldiers.
Although such detailed clauses sit oddly in a country's constitution, Filipinos are nationalistic and rather like them.
Today, about one in 10 Filipinos works abroad, and the government touts the export of jobs with pride.
For the poor Filipinos who support Mr Estrada, he represents a vote against this traditional and feudal order.
The million or so Filipinos who graduate every year have few other options to choose from, besides emigrating.
Jollibee made its initial moves abroad confident in the brand loyalty of the 10 million Filipinos working overseas.
FORBES: Billionaire Tony Tan Caktiong Takes Jollibee Foods Global
That even the anti-graft prosecutor cannot escape suspicion only underlines the frustration of countless Filipinos over the courts.
All Filipinos assume that a certain amount of dagdag-bawas, meaning addition and subtraction, goes on during the count.
Even as they did so, Filipinos kept their eyes peeled on another storm looming in the Pacific Ocean.
Dignity Coconut employs 50 Filipinos in a coconut processing plant that produces fresh coconut products for world markets.
That is a sobering prospect for the growing cohort of educated and professional Filipinos who appreciate Mr. Aquino's successes.
Thais, Indonesians and Filipinos, more securely rooted in their own traditions, were less anxious to discover an Asian identity.
ECONOMIST: Indonesia awakes, South-East Asia starts to wonder
And some printed and digitized culture is spread regionally through cross-border communities such as overseas Chinese, Indians and Filipinos.
The Filipinos believe that they have killed one of the five, but they have yet to find his body.
Her determination to "lead by example" helped restore Filipinos' faith in government--and themselves.
Her picture even appears on the cards entitling Filipinos to free health care.
After the Philippines' supportive role in World War II, many Filipinos were also promised U.S. citizenship, and that boosted migration.