But after a while, the passion Raitt displays in her music began to fill her again.
With the help of government subsidies they held on to their workers, betting that order books would quickly fill up again.
Vacation towns empty out in the off-season but then fill up again each year, which could get annoying for ghosts who want to settle in year-round.
"Never fill up again, " Segway's marketing materials suggest optimistically.
Given that most of the users of the littlest room are in fact making way so that more can be consumed this makes good sense, persuading them to fill up again with the higher margin products on offer.
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Since sheriffs can use the money as they please, some might simply build more jails, then fill them up again.
Think of it as paying individuals or companies to dig holes and fill them up again, but skipping all of the make-work.
Keynes's solution to the Great Depression was that governments should even be willing to pay people to dig holes and fill them in again.
In a turn of phrase which I think many Keynesians today might feel would have been better left unsaid, Keynes argued that this would work even if workers were hired by the government simply to dig holes in the ground and fill them up again.
"They asked me to fill in all the paperwork again and resubmit it, " he added.
And the next time they come to the medical center, they fill out the paperwork all over again.
Have you ever been in the middle of filling out a form on a web page and you got called away from your computer, only to come back and discover the session had timed out and you had to fill out the form all over again from the beginning?
"So Monday to Friday I'd sell my goods in Uganda and on a weekend I'd actually fly to Dubai, fill my suitcase up with IT stuff again and bring it back, and the same repeated, " he adds.
He also acknowledged that his decision not to run again is expected to trigger a political stampede to fill the coveted office.
Eurozone governments may be asked to fill that gap and some countries will baulk at reaching into their pockets yet again.
Can there really be that many people who wish to fill their bookshelves with offerings in which many of the same things must be said over and over again?
"The preseason tests spoke a quite clear language: the Red Bull looks super competitive again -- and Sebastian is only 24, so he still has an enormous potential to fill, " Ecclestone said.