Paramount rejected an AP request to view the film in advance.
While the tactic could have hurt a weaker movie--not showing a film in advance is often interpreted as a sign of a stinker--The Grand managed to develop some low-key buzz anyway.
While the tactic could have hurt a weaker movie--not showing a film in advance is often interpreted as a sign of a stinker-- The Grand managed to develop some low-key buzz anyway.
The current film industry cannot advance with a law that is 20 years old.
In order to get the most people at the premiere, Schwartz and company didn't want copies of the film distributed in advance.
Las Vegas (CNN) -- In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, the cast and crew of a new Sandra Bullock-Melissa McCarthy comedy about Boston law enforcement want to show their appreciation for FBI agents and police with an advance screening of the film.
The funds are provided to film makers in the form of an advance against future advertising revenues.
The folks at Toys R Us must have been really excited about their line of toys based on the film "Independence Day" ... so excited that the toys came out months before the movie's release, giving away a few of the film's secrets, including an advance look at its aliens.
The Mel Gibson film Edge of Darkness is only attracting 1% of advance ticket sales on Fandango going into its second weekend in theaters.
Others, including Kerry's unauthorized wartime use of Navy assets and personnel to film "reenactments" of his exploits - presumably to advance his political ambitions, have already been reported in the Boston Globe, National Review and Washington Times.
The romantic film, adapted from a Nicholas Sparks book, is the top advance seller on the ticketing Web site Fandango, with 51% of all sales.
Benedetti says she gets lots of requests to play on soundtracks, but it is difficult because her schedule is set years in advance and the performance is often put together quite late in the film-making process.
But advance reaction to its single outing to date, at the Tokyo Film Festival, suggests that James Cameron has excelled himself as director, with a spectacle that does not dwarf the central love story between Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.