Kodak however, was still focused on marketing its single use film camera which continued to sell well.
Kodak failed to aggressively convert film camera customers to its own digital cameras, and it filed bankruptcy in 2012.
The lens on the STYLUS XZ-10 is a 5x optical zoom that covers a focal range from 26-130mm (35mm film camera equivalent).
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This thin stylish model features a large 2.5-inch monitor with 230, 400 dots of high resolution and a non-extending 3X zoom lens ranging from 38-114mm (35 mm film camera equivalent).
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When Kodak roused itself to leverage its digital assets, it wasted years and hundreds of millions of dollars deploying them in incremental fashion such as with its Advantix system, which used digital as a preview mechanism in a film camera.
For decades, the company dominated the film-camera market and invested heavily in technologies that improved their product.
As excited customers were celebrating the arrival of fantastic digital images and digital cameras, Kodak management stayed the course with its traditional film and camera lines.
Despite its cash flow and company strengths, Kodak never succeeded beyond its original camera film business .
Still image camera film processing has become a specialty processing option and film itself is getting harder to find, and more expensive.
It's a bit like having a two-camera film crew follow you around.
The Hitachi system uses a digital video camera to film reflections from mirrors surrounding an object.
The irony in this story is that the Polaroid camera and film was always a niche product.
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Camera and film company Eastman Kodak also reported sharply lower profits and outlined a restructuring which will see about 3, 500 jobs cut.
But now they were demanding I hand over my camera and film.
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Unfortunately, as the digital camera and film world took hold, Kodak doubled down on its non-digital formats, while only dabbling in the digital space.
Many a dirty look was thrown our way as we made our way through the throngs, in some cases pausing to set up the camera and film some color.
Wyn Jones, prosecuting, said film taken from the camera showed the defendant pulling up in his car, walk towards the camera, cut four wires and then force it off its holding bracket.
To check if it actually works as advertised, we set up a a video camera to film the stroke from overhead, then compared the plotted result with the stroke path displayed on a smartphone, as shown in the video below.
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That means consumers will be able to download a "roll" of film into a digital camera in seconds rather than minutes, and the time required for backups to USB hard drives will drop from a half hour to a minute.
All were shot with a 35mm SLR camera, with film until 2008, when he switched to digital.
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The film follows a British wildlife camera crew as they pursue sightings of a rare wildcat in Central Asia.
The crew of Camera Trap will film on the island for three weeks before completing filming in Nepal in February.
"We were at Pensthorpe in the Autumn putting up specially adapted camera boxes to film the Barn Owls, " he said.
And then comes for me the unpleasant bit when they all go off, 100 people - actors and camera people and film and sound - and I stay away.
The film is famous for a camera trick Hitchcock invented to represent Scotty's vertigo - a simultaneous zoom-in and pull-back of the camera that creates a disorientating depth of field.
Starting at ISO 100 and ranging all the way to ISO 3, 200 (previously only available for incredibly grainy black and white film shots), the camera can manage in low-light situations previously resigned to lots of flash or lots of black.
The footage has never been found, perhaps because, in the carefree spirit of the meeting, no film was ever put in the camera.
The camera was able to film shots at 1, 000 frames per second, slowing shots by as much as 40 times their original speed.
As a surge brings us close, I stretch out and hand over a small video camera so Lucas can film the mockingbirds for us.
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