This is a far cry from southern India, which has its own thriving film industry.
The idea is based on an existing system already in place for the film industry.
It sums up 2012 for the British film industry, which has not been particularly great.
She says it's a commercial reality that everybody in China's film industry has to face.
For them, it means driving the last nail in the coffin of the local film industry.
Members of the film industry contend that arguments like these don't tell the whole story.
And the industry supplies the film industry but also the military, among other customers.
CNN: Gaming star Lara Croft is back -- but not as you know her
Glasses-free 3D has been a holy grail for the film industry for some time.
FORBES: New Technology Could Allow for Glasses-Free 3D Movies
The current film industry cannot advance with a law that is 20 years old.
Chief executive Ivan Dunleavy said the plan represented a "critical opportunity" for the UK film industry.
South Africa's entire film industry generates less money than the budget of a single Hollywood blockbuster.
Producing over 1, 000 films each year, Bollywood is the largest film industry in the world.
"I think the whole face of the Indian film industry is changing, " she told CNN.
One production company that is dramatically shaking up the whole film industry in Egypt is "GoodNews4Film".
It marks the 101st production to use the island since the film industry's inception in 1995.
And the film industry has new legs thanks to HD technology, internet streaming services, and 3D.
The success of Swiri has revived spirits in the South's battered commercial film industry.
Their act received a standing ovation and people in the film industry took notice.
Mumbai is the glittering epicentre of India's gargantuan Hindi-language film industry, and they are often looking for Western extras.
China had bought it as part of an earlier effort to build its own photo-film industry.
Film industry insiders said the time would not be enough for Dutt to complete all his projects.
The new Berlinale director Dieter Kosslick vowed to use the festival to promote the German film industry.
The international film industry, on the other hand, is less than thrilled with the Pirate Party's objectives.
Meanwhile, the closure of the House of Cinema has put new restrictions on Iran's robust film industry.
WSJ: Iranian Filmmakers Find No Separation Between Art, Politics
"The 3D is going to be mind-boggling, " David Cohen of film industry trade magazine Variety told CNN.
CNN: Will James Cameron's 3D 'Avatar' change cinema forever?
When "Infernal Affairs, " the first one, came out, Hong Kong's film industry was not in a good way.
Did you imagine that your movie would basically rescue the entire film industry at least for that year?
We particularly enjoyed dining and walking with Nicole and Walter, a couple employed in the Dutch film industry.
Lucas, however, has a reputation of pushing a change-resistant film industry in directions it didn't want to go.
He said he was looking forward to making Edinburgh central to transitions under way in the film industry.