Last month the finance ministry began allowing issuers to sell paper directly to investors.
Officials at Afghanistan's finance ministry didn't respond to requests to comment on the Sigar audit.
But within the Central Bank and the Finance Ministry, a weak dollar is just as dirty.
Nor did an insurance fund that the Finance Ministry had patched together have sufficient resources.
Without it, says the finance ministry's Keith Muhakanizi, the economy would never have done as well.
The Finance Ministry allegedly wants to change the way it indexes debt to inflation.
The IMF and EU send in accountants and economists who occupy space in the finance ministry.
"The Treasury acts as both the finance ministry and economic ministry, " said Mrs Hodge.
BBC: Treasury attempts to boost lending have 'failed', MPs say
But the extra revenues will also help the finance ministry curb its burgeoning deficit.
This week France's own finance ministry suggested that its deficit might be in the 3.5-3.8% range.
Reform would be painful for the finance ministry, revealing years of mismanagement and concealed losses.
ECONOMIST: Just how bad are the Japanese government��s finances?
The finance ministry has trimmed spending where it can, but meanwhile piled up debt.
The finance ministry has been less enlightened about deregulation than the health and welfare ministry.
The main obstacle in the way of more flexibility has been the Japanese finance ministry.
The finance ministry therefore wants to give the bank formal autonomy, which Congress must approve.
Piqued, Mr Hashimoto is now suggesting that the finance ministry be stripped of its tax-collecting powers instead.
Many think the move was influenced by bureaucrats in the finance ministry, a bastion of fiscal conservatism.
ECONOMIST: An unusual militancy is creeping into mainstream politics
There was a time when the finance ministry kept a firm grip on Italy's lotteries and betting.
To avoid calamity, the finance ministry will try to make private placements of debt with international banks.
ECONOMIST: A Greek deficit-reduction plan is greeted sceptically
The Post Office gives the cash to the Finance Ministry, which invests it in Japanese government bonds.
He left the planning ministry after disagreeing with free-market colleagues in the finance ministry and Central Bank.
There seems to be more determination at the Finance Ministry to deliver on its projections this year.
Even Ms. Merkel had some doubts about her finance ministry's hard-line insistence that Greece's bondholders take a loss.
WSJ: European Disunion: Dithering at the Top Turned EU Crisis to Global Threat
Finance ministry officials expect the country to grow by 0.4% in 2013, a figure that may prove optimistic.
With the economy barrelling along, the finance ministry could simply cap spending and enjoy the swelling tax revenues.
ECONOMIST: Just how bad are the Japanese government��s finances?
Mohamed Ibrahim will head the Interior Ministry and Al-Mursi Al-Sayed Hegazy will run the Finance Ministry, MENA said.
CNN: Egypt to reshuffle 10 Cabinet ministries, state news says
One plus point is a reform put in place during Mr Nogueira Leite's time at the finance ministry.
These problems come as an embarrassment to the finance ministry officials who supervised fund-management businesses until last month.
ECONOMIST: Fund management: South Korea’s hidden horror | The
Less than two months ago the finance ministry predicted a 5.8% expansion in the year to end of March.
Overall Japanese exports fell the most in six months in July, data from the finance ministry showed last week.