One essential question is whether the bank's role would go beyond monitoring to providing financial assistance.
Endangered elements will also be eligible for financial assistance from the Fund established to this end.
For instance, the Internet giant is reportedly interested in providing financial assistance to Yahoo!
Extending financial assistance like bank loans or small business loans to women is good for communities.
There is, however, little realistic prospect that American financial assistance will be forthcoming for Syria.
Then there's a backbench debate on "Eurozone Financial Assistance" requested by the European Scrutiny Committee.
The United States intends to provide technical and financial assistance to support this effort.
Mali is also to request technical and financial assistance from UNESCO and the international community.
Many of our participants were formerly incarcerated, and all were on some form of financial assistance.
After that meeting, Vernon Jordan agreed to help obtain financial assistance for Mr. Hubbell.
There are two basic reasons why exporters turn to a federal agency for financial assistance.
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Veterans also get financial assistance for housing, education, healthcare and even help finding jobs.
IMF, after meeting with Uzbekistan government officials before the meeting, is still withholding financial assistance.
In 2003 international donors promised huge financial assistance to the country if the war ended.
It also provides financial assistance for preserving monuments and for the implementation of specific measures in case of emergency.
Such bolstered notions Spain will be seeking EU financial assistance in the near term.
IMF, in exchange for financial assistance, has strengthened claims that they are a sell-out.
China could help in other ways as pipeline projects get under way, including offering direct financial assistance.
At the very same time, however, banks have cut back on direct financial assistance to outside providers.
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Is the U.S. -- or excuse me, is Egypt in danger of losing its U.S. financial assistance?
Meantime, reports said Spain is moving closer to formally asking the European Union for further financial assistance.
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Mr Fisher said he had not been offered any financial assistance for the work by the States.
Through Agrofinanzas, a Mexican financial institution, it also offers the farmers micro-loans and other kinds of financial assistance.
As such, entrepreneurs are largely unable or unwilling to turn to their family or friends for financial assistance.
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She was speaking during a second reading debate on the Water Industry (Financial Assistance) Bill on 29 February 2012.
The simplicity and speed of receiving financial assistance during a time of grief has made it a complete success.
Japanese Buddhists have provided financial assistance to build hotels and amenities at the site but progress has been slow.
The state has called on the federal government in Delhi for financial assistance.
Yields above 7% have previously prompted other euro-zone countries to seek financial assistance.
They may also benefit from financial assistance from a Fund managed by UNESCO.