Our substantial indebtedness could adversely affect our financial condition, our cash flow and our operating flexibility.
That number increased to 79 percent among those who said their financial condition was worse.
It is unaffected by credit ratings or other evidence about a company's financial condition.
BCCI's financial condition prove not misfeasance, but the Bank's open process and seriousness of purpose.
" And this "could materially affect our financial condition and ability to carry out our business plan.
The announcement by Cerberus that it would sell Freedom Group was "an adverse financial condition, " he said.
On Wednesday it was France and its financial condition that were a concern in the market place.
FORBES: Comex Gold Lower On Firmer U.S. Dollar Index, Weaker Crude Oil Prices
Those who said their financial condition hadn't changed chose Democratic House candidates over Republicans, 57 percent to 40 percent.
In it, Mr. Minkow wrote that Lennar steals money from its joint-venture partners and misrepresents its true financial condition.
Dexia has been the latest to come under pressure after troubling reports of its financial condition this week.
FORBES: Greece, Apple, Bernanke In Focus As Stocks Slump Again
But, there are signs that his estate was not in strong financial condition.
If we could completely avoid being subject to the financial condition of any large financial institution, we would do so.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Paul Singer: Mega-Banks and the Next Financial Crisis
But that sleep-soundly promise for prepaid plans isn't always ironclad a growing concern given the financial condition of some state plans.
WSJ: Parents Fear the Math Doesn't Add Up for Prepaid College Plans
The lack of effective internal controls could materially adversely affect our financial condition and ability to carry out our business plan.
FORBES: Why Can't You Trust General Motors' Financials? Because GM Says You Can't.
It also operated under an enforced government mandate to provide an unprofitable rural air service that only worsened its financial condition.
The uncertainty about Iraq's future financial condition is one reason why it is proving hard for it to attract new investment.
Private developers will not build low-cost housing in the absence of subsidies, and local governments are generally in a precarious financial condition.
Indeed, Social Security is in a rather better financial condition than many state and local funds which have followed the diversified-portfolio route.
ECONOMIST: The retired are always supported by their children
Insider pay is one of the key elements that allow creditors to grasp the financial condition of a company as it enters bankruptcy.
WSJ: Transparency Is the Rule in Chapter 11��Except for CEOs
Pillar 2 focuses on the governance and risk management systems, while the third pillar revolves around the disclosure of a firm?s financial condition.
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners is now requiring climate change risks to be included when examiners audit the financial condition of insurance companies.
FORBES: Rethinking Our Place In A Post-Hurricane Sandy World
So the financial condition of homebuilders is not my chief concern.
FORBES: And Deliver Us From Systemic Risk: The Fed Transcripts
The president's other weapon is the urgency of Brazil's financial condition.
How is the financial condition of your own Cook County Government?
FORBES: Cook County, Illinois Treasurer Warns U.S. Homeowners And Retirees Of Local Debt Hazards
The suit claims Ellison and other executives made false statements about the company's financial condition as well as its Oracle 11i suite of business management software.
Existing investors slapped the company with shareholder lawsuits, accusing Tauber of selling out when the stock was higher last fall and concealing the company's financial condition.
Even though none of the firms has been found guilty yet, Sotheby's has acknowledged that the dispute "could well have a material impact on Sotheby's financial condition".
But a succession of bankruptcies resulting from poor management decisions left the company in dire financial condition even as top managers awarded themselves huge bonuses.
The reality is that most states are in difficult to dire financial condition and the temptation to add this sales tax revenue to their coffers will prove irresistible.
FORBES: Amazon Gets Both Reactionary and Proactive in Struggle to Avoid Sales Taxes