"I am delighted that the university is to look again at its financial guarantee, " she said.
The meeting came amid growing belief that France and Germany will provide some sort of financial guarantee for the Greek economy.
The Air Travel Organisers' Licensing (ATOL) scheme licenses tour operators and travel organisers, and requires them to take part in a financial guarantee scheme.
The university said a financial guarantee was required before postgraduate students began their studies to ensure their fees and living costs were covered throughout the course.
Oxford University said it required a financial guarantee before the postgraduate begins their studies to ensure their fees and living costs are covered throughout the course.
In the joint statement, Mr Shannon and the college said court proceedings were now over after "St Hugh's College advocated successfully for the University of Oxford to carry out a review of the present financial guarantee policy".
Before the FDIC can guarantee financial firms' bonds, as it did in 2008, it now needs congressional approval.
The world and markets cannot guarantee your financial stability for forty to fifty years of retirement.
Not that the discipline of the market is any guarantee of financial success.
Plus, few majors can guarantee a financial return that will offset the financial debt many students will accumulate during college.
Europe does not want any Eurozone member to go bankrupt: it looks bad and worse, it demonstrates that being in the Euro-club is no guarantee against financial crisis.
Initially, the projected revenue for Scotland - and hence the cut in block grant - would be calculated by the Treasury with an initial guarantee of financial stability.
"Other financial tools such as credit guarantee or debt refinancing funds are needed to assist companies to operate, " suggests Dr Doanh.
"This financial support system is designed to guarantee that seniors can always afford Medicare coverage -- no exceptions, " he said to some applause.
Production and financial wherewithal is never enough to guarantee absolute success.
That guarantee became explicit during the financial crisis, when the government had to step in with billions in bailout cash to keep the mortgage firms afloat.
FORBES: Fannie And Freddie Regulator Moves To Streamline Mortgage Securitization
As the plight of New York, California and everywhere else unfolds in the financial press, short of a federal guarantee on muni paper, yields must work higher.
Operating under legitimate-sounding names like National Scholarship Foundation, College Financial Aid Services of America and Student Assistance Services--all of which have been shut down by the FTC--they guarantee college scholarships and increased financial aid.
These groups were also fooled into believing that the huge financial benefits accrued from the implicit government guarantee enjoyed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, its smaller sibling, flowed mostly to their borrowers, not to their managers and shareholders.
Mill Financial filed in court a copy of an unlimited guarantee signed by Gillett in 2008.
FORBES: Mill Financial Sues George Gillett Personally For $117 Million Over Liverpool Loan
Recession invites a return to financial crisis at a moment when there is no guarantee of more public money to bail out the banks.
Ireland has made a valiant attempt to rein in its deficit, but it is still in deep financial trouble because in 2008 Dublin offered a blanket guarantee for the liabilities of its local banks (covering creditors and depositors), in a step which has now proven deeply unaffordable.
Protecting creditors is a well-worn way of muting financial panic, and for a while at least the guarantee did just that.
ECONOMIST: Ireland��s former finance minister dies, at just 52
My vote for the most unjustly maligned financial sector stocks goes to the bond insurers, which guarantee principal repayment and interest for most municipal bonds.
These measures include accelerating the development of small financial institutions, expanding the financing channels and increasing credit guarantee services to relieve the financing difficulties of small firms.
The society ran out of cash when investors withdrew money because the PMS was not covered by a government savings guarantee, introduced at the height of the financial crisis.
First, if the guarantee is tripped credit losses from lending within the financial sector stop.
The mYPlace scheme will offer financial help with the first month's rent and a guarantee for their deposit.
The SaS has balked at Slovakia - one of the poorest countries in the eurozone - being asked to guarantee 7.7bn euros of the 440bn European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).
The straightforward fixes, coupled with a price-match guarantee, appear to have helped Best Buy stabilize its financial results.