Chris Leslie, the Labour Party shadow financial secretary to the Treasury gave a statement in reaction to the news.
There were benefits for those who decided to file online, according to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Stephen Timms.
Under John Major he became Financial Secretary to the Treasury in 1994, then serving as transport secretary from 1995-97 before taking the shadow Commons leader's job under William Hague's leadership.
"We need a payments system that responds to the needs of customers and is not just run for the banks, " said Mark Hoban, the financial secretary to the Treasury.
Greg Clark, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury and Minister for Cities, said how important it is for economic growth that local people take control of public spending in their areas.
In a Commons statement on the sale on 21 November 2011, Financial Secretary to the Treasury Mark Hoban said the sale represented the best deal for the taxpayer in the circumstances.
BBC: Northern Rock: Sale good for taxpayers, says government
She also serves as the Commission designee to the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, which is chaired by the Secretary of Treasury and was established to improve the financial literacy and education of U.S. citizens.
But the other half of the aisle and many liberal and consumer groups are cheering her appointment as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
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This is important because, thanks to the 2010 Dodd-Frank law, it is now the job of the Treasury secretary to spot financial icebergs.
Financial Treasury Secretary Mark Hoban conceded the decision to axe the benefits would be "disappointing" to some but insisted the coalition was making the "right choices" by prioritising money on health and education.
Though she says she doesn't want to play the blame game, Lagarde does think it was a mistake for Treasury Secretary Paulson to let the global financial services firm Lehman Brothers fail last month because that led to widespread distrust among banks which then became reluctant to lend to each other.
Dodd-Frank gives unprecedented power to the Treasury secretary to determine whether an insolvent financial company will be subject to OLA. The Act sets a high standard for invoking the authority, but the process is unnecessarily tainted by the involvement of a political appointee, even if he or she is acting in good faith.
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But others, such as Robert Rubin, a former treasury secretary, warn that the financial markets, looking forward to deficits as far as the eye can see, may take fright.
For those interested in America's early financial history, there is a room dedicated to Alexander Hamilton, the first treasury secretary.
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The next Treasury secretary inherits a badly shaken financial system, a mandate to rein in Wall Street's excesses, and hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of risky new programs ginned up by the current president to stop the bleeding.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson knows his sweeping plan to overhaul the financial regulatory system is going nowhere soon.
The Dodd-Frank Act established a Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), chaired by the secretary of the Treasury, in order to identify systemically important institutions.
Also on February 10th, Tim Geithner, the treasury secretary, announced an outline of a plan to shore up the financial sector.
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The federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is aimed at preventing a "serious risk to the financial system, " which is "critical to our overall economy, " Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson tells NPR.
During the depths of the financial crisis, U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson grouped the CEOs of major banks and essentially forced them to take capital.
Geithner was plucked from his post as President of the New York Fed in 2008 after serving a critical role along with then-Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke during the response to the developing financial crisis.
FORBES: Geithner Tells Bloomberg TV His Days At Treasury Are Numbered