Financial Service Authority (FSA) guidelines require anyone selling insurance to keep careful notes of meetings, so if there is a later dispute over exactly what was said, the notes can help settle it.
BBC: House fire couple's insurance battle over 'occupancy'
An early indication of the new boss's attitude came with his appointment last year of Hector Sants, former boss of the UK's banking watchdog, the Financial Service Authority, to head the Barclays' compliance department.
BBC: Barclays boss tells staff 'sign up to ethics or leave'
The Financial Ombudsman Service has official powers to sort out disputes between banks and consumers and holds the authority to order a bank to compensate customers in certain circumstances.
BBC: Claims advice for Ulster Bank and RBS group customers
The service, provided by Lake District National Park, was under threat due to financial cuts but the authority said it would start again in December.
BBC: Lakes daily weather service saved by sponsorship
The Financial Services Authority has extended the normal six-month deadline for people to go to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) if a firm turns down their original complaint.
BBC: More time for new PPI complaints, FSA says
Last month, the local authority's external auditors reported that they had uncovered shortcomings in the financial management of the service, but no further details have so far been disclosed.
BBC: Dumfries and Galloway social services new deficit found