On now-crowded commuter trains, a frequent conversation topic is where to find the cheapest gas.
If you are visiting for business, you will find pleasure sneaks up on you.
"This was the year that Jimi was trying everything to find the right direction, " he says.
If we find something, we'll send a diver in, if safe, to check it out.
Fortune Brands hired Goldman Sachs in 2000 to find a buyer for its office products division.
Ask to see the full report, and find out which credit bureau generated it.
Often Perry felt regional officials were just trying to find ways to meet their budgets.
You have to click on the Wikipedia link to find that aspartame is the sweetener.
There, she met a young girl who wanted to find her family in Nepal.
Mr Craske warned that surf schools would be "trying to find space in the water".
It is not difficult to find couples like Lorenzo Barba and his wife Yolanda.
Madison Avenue giants are scrambling to find new ways to deliver their products to ad-drenched consumers.
You can find info, tips and maps at the Info Point Donau-Nord, Weichselstr 65.
As costs fall, local governments will find more intensive monitoring to be easily affordable.
In the past, NHS trusts have struggled to find the money to meet the IVF recommendations.
BBC: IVF should be given sooner and to older women, says NICE
To find that magical place, check out the commercials for some retirement financial services.
If you find the same room cheaper elsewhere, the company will pay you the difference.
Of course, some scouts are sent around the world to find the right locations.
It also wants to find out if children are being specifically targeted by such applications.
Aside from the mechanics, the products are hard to find and cost more than male condoms.
It helped people to find their place in the world and their true orientation.
Quarantined populations have been established but efforts to find a cure have been depressingly fruitless.
You will not find it in the nightclubs of Mexico City or even in cantinas.
I'm going to be losing poll workers and they're very hard to find, to begin with.
To find out where the StoryCorps Griot Initiative will be next, visit the StoryCorps website.
In "Nineteen Eighty-Four, " Orwell creates a character named Syme who I find eerily similar to Luntz.
Reaven was also first to find a strong correlation between insulin resistance and heart attacks.
Scientist: I must confess, I find it difficult to believe in a disease of machinery.
Take it to the kitchen to be braaied (barbecued) and then find a table outside.
No doubt in an effort to find Mary Bell, who of course I telephoned many times.