Facebook recently acquired a company called Glancee, which did something similar to the Find Friends Nearby feature.
CNN: Facebook quietly unveils 'stalking app'
It's unclear exactly how much information the Find Friends Nearby feature gave away.
CNN: Facebook quietly unveils 'stalking app'
When Facebook users logged on to the Find Friends Nearby site, they were supposed to be able to see friends and other Facebook users who were in close proximity.
CNN: Facebook pulls location-tracking feature
"I was amazed on Sunday to read that Facebook is blatantly stealing our idea with what they are calling, 'Find Friends Nearby, '" Friendthem CEO Charles Sankowich said in a statement posted on VentureBeat and on other tech news sites.
CNN: Facebook pulls location-tracking feature
The blog ReadWriteWeb dubbed the feature a "stalking app, " and news of Find Friends Nearby received a cold reception on the Internet, where Twitter users and bloggers panned the idea -- saying Twitter-y things like " Hell to the naw, " " Oh lawd!"
CNN: Facebook pulls location-tracking feature
Precise location enables consumers to check-in with friends, find nearby concerts and exhibits, or get directions to the destinations of their choice.
ENGADGET: Motorola gives Google the boot, turns to Skyhook for location services
People can find the bar that their friends like nearby, or the sushi restaurant that the their friends have been to nearby.
FORBES: Foursquare Goes After Yelp With 10-Point Scoring For Businesses
The company wants its app to be the go-to mobile app for people to find nearby businesses, using their friends as a filter.
FORBES: Foursquare Goes After Yelp With 10-Point Scoring For Businesses
Last year, Facebook also unveiled a check-in service for its phone apps that allow users to volunteer their location to friends, and also find deals from nearby businesses.
WSJ: Money Rushes Into Social Start-Ups