• The presence of so much fine jade varied in colour and cut with such skill that some pieces glitter like diamonds and others look like melting, translucent fat illustrates why it is more highly prized than even gold in China today.

    ECONOMIST: The pursuit of immortality yielded some marvellous tombs

  • In Vietnamese it meant jade, which was all well and fine in Vietnam but meant nothing in Michigan.

    NPR: From Pho to Fast Food, an Immigrant's Tale

  • "Brazil is growing so much, " says Danie Tangchai, head of U.S. operations for LJ International (nasdaq: JADE - news - people ), a designer and distributor of fine jewelry.

    FORBES: Global Bling

  • But many of the other rooms are not--you can comfortably play billiards on the fine English table, a twin of one at Buckingham Palace, but the library or Jade Room may get a bit sticky.

    FORBES: Escapes

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