Persons charged with violating gambling statutes almost always had been fingered by disgruntled fellow players.
The first suspect fingered by the FBI was Paul Kevin Curtis, 45, an Elvis impersonator.
Roth's business partner, Daniel Sherman, pleaded guilty and fingered Roth for giving Dai restricted data.
Meanwhile, an over-acting but green-fingered Renee Zellweger arrives to help Ada out on the farm.
Neuer debuted the four-fingered glove over the weekend as he kept a clean sheet against Wolfsburg.
The exceptions, such as hoofed animals and birds have all descended from five-fingered ancestors.
Marjorie fingered the thin pages of the phone book, looking for the number of a locksmith.
Industry leaders fingered directly in the suit include top brass from Netscape Communications Corp.
CNN: U.S. counties lodge class-action suit over Internet taxation
As the taxi revved and accelerated, Mike Hammer fingered the gun under his jacket.
He was involved in over 800 convictions, and the officers he fingered in a further 2, 500.
An inky-fingered drama about a dying industry that makes for an unusually successful work of fiction.
For an electrician and mechanic, no matter how light-fingered, there seemed no question of marrying them all off.
Martinez has just 16 friends on the Facebook profile page fingered by AOL News as his.
To the horror of some Hollywood coterie, Pacios fingered Orson Welles as a possible suspect in Elizabeth's murder.
Berezovsky was immediately fingered by the police as a key suspect, but the murder remains unsolved two years later.
By the time he was caught, Dellelo had been fingered for robbing the Commander Hotel in Cambridge as well.
She collapsed on a chair and covered her face with her long-fingered hands.
Some newspaper columnists have fingered worker-ownership as the culprit, arguing that labour cannot be trusted to run a company.
President Obama is rightly fingered for the ongoing turmoil, but lest we forget, Senator McCain espoused several harebrained solutions too.
FORBES: Our Denial of Nature Undermines the Economic Recovery
Here at Forbes, Leadership contributor Adam Hartung had a provocative piece on Sunday where he fingered management.
He surveyed boxes and suitcases, fingered the electric drill, tapped on the wine barrel, which echoed with a dim hollowness.
And, like the best rock musicians, the nimble-fingered editor Freeman Davies orchestrates tense, staccato effects into an overwhelming surge of imagery.
One example is the steel industry which, burdened by tariffs and quotas from importers, was fingered as a potential WTO winner.
Some profilers claim shoplifters age out by age 25, while others say grey-haired five-fingered thieves are just as common as teen thieves.
"Two or three days before the incident with which we are concerned, he was worried about burglars and light-fingered pykies, " she said.
On July 15, quote volume at the NYSE fell off a cliff, like they fingered somebody and told them to cool it.
The EIA study shows that these critics have fingered the wrong energies.
America also fingered him for another (foiled) plot, to bomb a string of airports and aircraft on the eve of the millennium.
And the enormous trackpad, with support for "multitouch" gestures, is easy to pick up, even for a fat-fingered reporter who likes his mouse.
Privately, a source close to Mr Sharon fingered a source close to his Likud colleague, Binyamin Netanyahu, a perhaps frustrated former prime minister.