And the President has obviously said that he wants to finish work on the U.S.-Colombia agreement.
McMoran will need a lot more cash to finish work on all its challenging wells.
Reports say the actor is trying to finish work on a number of films before returning to prison.
BBC: Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt seeks more time before jail
In Washington, the Senate is hoping to finish work, this week, on the emergency spending package, but it has gotten complicated.
He has worked at the pit for about two years will finish work on 15 January with about 130 other men.
Dutt, 53, had urged the court to allow him to finish work on a number of films before returning to prison.
He had sought to delay his return to prison as he wanted to finish work on a number of films, but the court refused.
This may mean adjusting work hours in order to make everything happen, or staying up late after kids are in bed, to finish work.
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With less than 200 days to go before the Beijing Olympics, China's capital appears on schedule to finish work on its new hotels, stadiums and subway lines.
There was plenty of work to be done to complete the site and finish the work there.
Work began in June and the bridge will be closed for one day in 2013 to finish resurfacing work.
Taking a bus or train can free you to finish up work, read or just relax.
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When dawn approaches, the cats finish their work, close up the shops, and swarm back across the bridge.
The Senate would need to finish its work this week to leave a realistic chance of meeting that schedule.
And so I ask Congress to finish its work, and I look forward to signing this reform into law.
Though she passed away before the commission could finish its work, the report they released spurred action across the country.
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I, therefore, ask leaders in both houses of Congress to finish their work and schedule a vote in the next few weeks.
The two companies joined forces in August 1998 to finish the work on the agonist molecule that had begun in the late 1980s.
The House is scheduled to re-elect the Speaker on Jan. 7, and the ethics committee is scrambling to finish its work before that.
The carpet layers couldn't finish their work until everyone else did.
The settlement was sent to the board on November 2, the sources said, but it will likely take a month for the board to finish its work.
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But the Met Office since explained that the scientist responsible was due to finish the work by end of year and was about to go on holiday.
Prof Uff said that he believed he would be able to finish his work before the end of the year without a formal merger of the two investigations.
And I look forward to working with the Senate and the House to finish the work that remains so that we can make this reform a reality for the American people.
It's unclear when state investigators will finish their work.
And so I ask Congress to finish its work.
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