They buy food as finished products, so changes in price are less noticeable to them.
Then, the new finished products from Asia would make their way back to the United States.
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Both metals and plastics are traded in bulk form, before they are turned into finished products.
The company also said it was suspending deliveries of all its finished products using beef supplied by H.
The time to fail is not in front of customers with finished products.
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Moreover, low-cost producers have a better chance of avoiding rich-world trade barriers with raw slabs than with finished products.
He also defended the company's policy of releasing new services and tools to users before they were finished products.
His iron and steel holding company Metinvest is feeling brunt of downturn with sales of finished products down by 50%.
We have commodities that are going into Latin America that we're sending back on those containers, as well as finished products.
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Often, one or two people operate 1, 2, or 4 rapid prototyping machines and produce thousands of parts, test models, or finished products.
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They complain that barriers to China's domestic market mean that India is mostly shipping unrefined minerals and primary goods, getting finished products in return.
The finished products, which are hosted online, also feature extra assets like stills and footage from backstage, interviews, closeups of hair, makeup and products.
Against the background of the appreciation of the yen and the relaxation of trade restrictions, imports of finished products to Japan have expanded rapidly.
The ADB's economists find that trade in parts is much less sensitive to changes in the real exchange rate than trade in finished products.
But profits were slim, and it was during this period that Song decided the factory needed to make finished products and to own the brand.
It could turn finished products into a source of service revenue.
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Though most of the boom is in bulk carriers, rates for container ships that carry finished products to the U.S. are up, too--as much as 30%.
About half that sum goes to manufacturing companies, such as dsm Catalytica in Greenville, North Carolina, that offer both chemical ingredients and finished products, including cartons, bottles and packaging.
All those containers that are coming in, they have, in some cases, commodities coming from Latin America, but they also have finished products that are coming in from Latin America.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Delivers Remarks at CEO Summit Of The Americas | The White House
The debt crisis in the West means that it is very hard for Western green energy companies to find financing for their technologies, then to market them as finished products.
But studies by the New York Federal Reserve Bank and others show that most Chinese imports are intermediate goods that are assembled into finished products in China and then sent to foreign markets.
"Because water is cheaper than alcohol, AB adds extra water to its finished products to produce malt beverages that consistently have lower alcohol content than the percentage displayed on its labels, " the suit said.
This could be a trend, but it could also be part of a seasonal production cycle where Chinese companies import raw materials and components in the spring, in order to gear up to export finished products later in the year.
It allows certain specified goods to be imported for processing or incorporation into finished products at the rate of Customs duty that would be applicable to the finished product, that is, zero, instead of the rate for the imported goods.
In little more than a decade, the country has become by far the biggest producer in the world of every industrial commodity from steel to glass to cement, and the finished products it exports to other countries are gradually matching and surpassing the sophistication of items produced indigenously in those countries.
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But they have less chance of becoming big exporters of finished products, because the end users, such as car makers, may prefer having their sheets, plates and tubes knocked up locally, thus making it easier to change specifications rapidly, and reducing the need to keep big stockpiles in case of shipping delays.
If things go well for U.S. Steel, the long equity position likely offsets whatever loss you would take on the CDS. U.S. Steel is far from immune to the price impact of Chinese demand, he says, and as a vertically integrated steelmaker it has exposure all along the process from iron ore to finished products.
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He also likes finished software products with at least one customer, so he can start generating cash in a hurry.
Place a tariff on imported crude oil and finished petroleum products.