Security Council members hold more meetings today to try to hammer out an agreement for a proposed cease-fire resolution to help stop the war between Israel and Hezbollah.
The Impeccable turned fire-hoses on one boat to stop her getting too close.
He has also suggested removing fire-alarm boxes from city streets, to stop hoax calls.
We thought that we could stop the fire at a four-lane highway.
The long-suffering guards have given up trying to stop people posing for photos with the kitsch mannequins - so fire away.
Nkunda declared a unilateral cease-fire on October 29, but it failed to stop the fighting and reports of atrocities.
Training includes the art of wielding a Pulaski, a tool that's part-shovel, part-axe and is used to establish fire breaks intended to stop approaching flames.
With no hint of irony he says people shouldn't glorify the act of self-immolation and "should stop adding fuel to the fire".
Man stopped fighting with swords when rifles were invented, and you can rest assured that he will equally stop flying planes into buildings when he can fire a vehicle-launched cruise missile into Europe or America from a dirt road in the third world.
The Islamic Jihad said Tuesday that Israel had agreed to stop trying to kill its leaders as a condition for the cease-fire.
Soon we were driving out of Misrata towards the western front - a tentative, stop-and-start process, as we checked each roadblock for news of incoming fire.
Witnesses told CNN that Iraqi soldiers opened fire after they ordered the demonstrators to stop filming dozens of Iraqi security forces on the rooftops surrounding al-Etisam Square, while others said Iraqi soldiers fired when protesters started throwing objects at them.
The fire and rescue service earlier reported three mid-terrace properties "well alight", as it made efforts to stop the flames spreading to adjoining properties.