The large farrowing unit suffered severe fire damage and none of the pigs survived.
The Welsh government said last week it was waiting for details about the extent of the fire damage.
And using techniques obscured by the fire damage, Jefferys drastically downsized mechanisms for temperature compensation and friction reduction.
It said the fire damage was so extensive it was having to rebuild the box and associated equipment.
Fire damage made the structure unsafe and care had to be taken to ensure a safe and thorough search, she added.
The battery unit sustained severe fire damage, the safety board said, adding that it had sent two additional investigators to Boston.
In spite of the fire damage, there are a number of ways DNA can be located on a body, Bernstein and Spitz said.
The plant has not strengthened electrical cables to withstand fire damage for one to three hours, a regulation established to provide necessary plant security in the event of an emergency.
For instance, have an area where enemies are very resilient to all damage but fire damage, and certain attacks, so then the player has to figure out a weapon to upgrade to make the area easier to deal with.
"The garage and its contents, including a classic car the injured man was working on at the time, were completely destroyed in the blaze, and there was also a small amount of fire damage to both houses, " the spokesman said.
Man overboard, fire, damage control, chemical attack, intruders, injuries, aircraft incident.
Just make sure the policy offers protection against accidental damage and theft, and given the events of this week, that losses from fire and water damage are also included.
The test focused more on the smoke hazard from a fire than the damage caused by flames.
Three contract workers died at the site in the past three years, and a large fire caused extensive damage last year.
The fire service said the damage had not been as bad as first feared.
Also, the only risk of loss to my money would be from thieves or from damage from fire and the elements.
It is a recognition that due to perhaps friendly fire, or collateral damage, someone has died and you're trying to make some form of recompense.
Corbi has a contract with a local helicopter company that will help his family escape if the mountain roads are cut off by damage, fire, or smoke.
City council building safety officers are working with the fire service to assess the damage caused to the building.
But a fire in 1994 caused substantial damage, and despite a series of plans and promises it was never repaired.
Shortly thereafter, the children's father returned home and doused the fire, which caused no serious damage, Mioduszewski said.
Det Ch Insp Jeff Riley said the investigation would take some time because of the damage caused by the fire.
Firefighters dealt with the fire, which caused substantial smoke damage to the building, on the corner of Rosebery Avenue and Brassey Avenue.
BBC: Hampden Park post office in Rosebery Avenue, Eastbourne
Additional details released by the safety board said all eight cells of the lithium-ion battery involved in the Boston 787 fire showed varying degrees of thermal damage.
Cohen and his firm, who have not been charged or accused of any wrongdoing and contend they have always acted appropriately, are trying to limit the damage from the legal fire that is blazing around them.
Dior knew it had no option but to fire Galiano and try to limit the damage.
Do you let it burn? or build a fire break around it to contain the damage?
"(There was) a lot of damage, a lot of fire -- I don't think anybody could make it through that, " San Angelo said.
The fire department responded to a report of roof damage to a home and callers said trees were blown over.
On Tuesday, the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board said it was conducting a chemical analysis of internal short circuiting and thermal damage of the battery that caught fire in Boston.