The Fire Department of New York today doesn't count any call time in its response analysis, a change from 2008 and earlier, when it included the time during which fire-dispatch staffers handled the call.
WSJ: All Heat, No Light, in Fire Data
The agency has recruited a veteran of the New York Police Department, Joseph Dunne, and a former Fire Department of New York commissioner, Tom Von Essen, to review "the underlying problems that led to systemic noncompliance, " the FAA said Monday in a statement.
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On Tuesday, a team of 15 Los Angeles firefighters also began manning empty fire stations under the command of the New York Fire Department.
CNN: New York plans prayer service for victims
One difficult case was that of Ronald Bucca, a fire marshal with the New York City Fire Department who was among the first responders and one of hundreds of them killed.
NPR: Police Memorial Wall Comes With Some Tough Calls
Chief of the New York Fire Department on the day Daniel Nigro told The Conspiracy Files that the fire service does not need to ask the permission of the owner when making decisions relating to buildings that are on fire: "We are in charge and the decision will be the fire chiefs and his alone, " he said.
BBC: Q&A: The collapse of Tower 7
New York Fire Chief Pete Ganci, who spent more than 30 years with the New York Fire Department, and First Deputy Commissioner of the Fire Department William Feehan are among those who perished.
CNN: New York rescuers search slowly through the rubble
Thousands died September 11, 2001, including 343 members of the fire department, 23 members of the police department and 37 officers of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
CNN: The making of a memorial: Reshaping ground zero
The calls come into the New York Police Department and the New York Fire Department's Public Safety Answering Center, which is manned by both types of dispatchers answering calls.
WSJ: New York City's 911 System Swamped Again
The New York fire department is basically in control and then the volunteers work the circumference of ground zero.
CNN: Steelman and Angeli: Search and rescue at ground zero