"What we want to do is to stop all fire, to stop all shooting, to stop all action that kills people, " he said.
Workers from other Petroleos de Venezuela facilities have been sent in to help stop the fire.
Could the authorities have acted to stop the fire and save the family?
He said the nature of lithium ion batteries means no fire extinguisher system will stop them from burning once they start.
We thought that we could stop the fire at a four-lane highway.
Training includes the art of wielding a Pulaski, a tool that's part-shovel, part-axe and is used to establish fire breaks intended to stop approaching flames.
Security Council members hold more meetings today to try to hammer out an agreement for a proposed cease-fire resolution to help stop the war between Israel and Hezbollah.
And even people who have been fighting fires for years and years said in many parts there was nothing that could be done to stop this fire when it was at its greatest intensity.
"The first step in resolving a serious financial problem is to stop fueling the fire by spending money you don't have, " McTevia said.
They're very clear that if you see a threat, a perceived threat, and it could be a white car coming towards you that doesn't stop and you fire at it, it keeps coming, you're allowed to take up the driver.
Asking Amazon and Google to just stop making Kindle Fire and Nexus devices to "rescue" the industry would be more than a little naive, not to mention a disservice to those who really need the prices or software.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Amazon and Google are undermining mobile pricing, and that may hurt everyone
Her father, Chilean Honorary Consul Fernando Berendique, told reporters that police pointed guns at the car and opened fire when it didn't stop at a checkpoint.
To stop Bush from catching fire, Kerry will need to be as successful as the Republicans were during the DNC in getting a strong counter-message into local as well as national media.
The Impeccable turned fire-hoses on one boat to stop her getting too close.
Witnesses told CNN that Iraqi soldiers opened fire after they ordered the demonstrators to stop filming dozens of Iraqi security forces on the rooftops surrounding al-Etisam Square, while others said Iraqi soldiers fired when protesters started throwing objects at them.
It said that the border agent had opened fire only after the suspects ignored orders to stop.
BBC: Mexico boy shot in back by US patrol, post-mortem shows
Human nature is such that we keep doing what has been a winner and we stop putting our hands into the fire.
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He has also suggested removing fire-alarm boxes from city streets, to stop hoax calls.
Nkunda declared a unilateral cease-fire on October 29, but it failed to stop the fighting and reports of atrocities.
The plane's flight crew was aware there was fire in the cabin but could do nothing to stop the dive.
The clash happened when soldiers tried to stop suspect vehicles and the occupants opened fire, leading to a chase for 50km (31 miles).
Aviation authorities worldwide have ordered airlines to stop flying their Dreamliners because of the fire risk associated with battery failures aboard the highly touted aircraft.
It's also got a built-in Fitness Coach application to spur you on during that last mile, so you can fire your insanely expensive personal trainer as well as stop begging your friends to call you up at 27:32 into your daily run.
Will molten fire rain from the sky or will the Web service stop working?
FORBES: Microsoft's Azure Outage; Three Reasons Why Such Things Happen and Three Steps to Avoid Them
With this early model, the laser had to be set on low power to stop the plastic overheating, or even catching fire.
Furious unsecured creditors tried to stop the deal, arguing that the "quick fire sale" left them out in the cold.
But the court said the animals should have a second home to stop them being eliminated by an epidemic or a fire.
The clock typically doesn't start or stop on travel time between the station and a fire until someone in the truck pushes a button.
When the trains came to a stop, cinders and soot from the locomotive's fire box rained down on the splintered wooden planks, clothing, Christmas gifts and human remains.