Same first and last name as Do Ya Puff, same age, same borough.
Introduce yourself with a firm handshake and your first and last name.
He decided to go public with his story to put a face on an issue, using his first and last name and offering to provide a family picture to accompany this story.
CNN: Report: Registry does more harm than good for teen sex offenders
Kinsley said the base was requesting each individual's full name, including middle initial, driver's license, and full social security number, in order for background checks to be performed before the race, compared with the standard procedure of first and last name and last four digits of one's social.
WSJ: Triathlon in New Mexico Canceled Due to Security Concerns
One service has one name field for a person, while another uses first name and last name.
You can take the first name and last initial, and the job title, and plug that into Google.
The column family is organized by customer ID (primary key), you have columns for first name, last name, address, and all the normal customer information, plus as many rows as are needed for each purchase.
It contains the following information about the deceased: Last name, first name, Social Security Number, state issued, birth date, death date, and last residence zip code.
He looked at the script, saw "Benedict Milne reports" and, without hesitation, crossed out the last two syllables of my first name.
Levy, a Moroccan Jew from the Caribbean who changed his last name to Yulee and converted to Christianity, built the state's first railroad across the peninsula, using public money.
In Norwich, the first three characters of the code ('NOR') represented the name of the city, and the last three characters a particular street.
Kathy and Zeitoun -- most people called him by his last name because they couldn't pronounce his first -- ran a company, Zeitoun A. Painting Contractor LLC, and every day their crews, their clients, everyone with a phone and their number, seemed to think that once the clock struck six-thirty, it was appropriate to call.