• On my first day of high school, going into math class, two of my classmates pointed and laughed at me.

    NPR: Being Content with Myself

  • Three boys (Nate Hartley, Troy Gentile, and David Dorfman), on their first day of high school, are selected for victimization by the evil Filkins (Alex Frost).

    NEWYORKER: Drillbit Taylor

  • From the first day of high school onward, her new real world adventures will be tethered to a previous set of experiences that are never more than a flick of the scroll wheel away.

    FORBES: On The Net, Junior High Never Ends

  • The problem started that first day of high school when I was transformed from a skinny kid who nonetheless enjoyed all kinds of sports into a punching bag for 250 pound football players assured that the locker room was a no-penalty zone.

    FORBES: Invest In Human Capital -- Your Body's

  • High school sports, the first day of practice!

    FORBES: Apple's iPad Is No Kindle Killer

  • His first stop of the day was the public library, where someone had assembled an audience of about thirty high-school dropouts.

    NEWYORKER: Greening the Ghetto

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