After the dogfighting story first emerged, Vick told NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell he wasn't involved.
When he first emerged from the Marlins' dugout, a horde of cameramen engulfed him.
Dixons' share price fell 2.8% on Tuesday, when rumours of poor Christmas trading results first emerged.
BBC: French Connection and Thorntons down on trading reports
There is as yet no cure for Sars, which first emerged in southern China last November.
Government support for developing new passenger aircraft first emerged as a contentious issue in 1988.
ECONOMIST: Boeing gets huge illegal subsidies, the WTO rules
When they first emerged in the early 2000s, some worried about their potential use for espionage and voyeurism.
Shortly afterwards he led a management buy-out, after which First emerged as one of Britain's two leading private bus firms.
ECONOMIST: The man who took the bus from Aberdeen to America
It was not until the late 17th century that merchants first emerged as a dominant caste in England and Holland.
The conspiracy and securities-fraud charges against Rengan Rajaratnam relate to insider-trading allegations that first emerged at his brother's trial in 2011.
In the 1950s, sliding-door closets were introduced, according to California Closets, and the walk-in first emerged a decade or so later.
But contrary to some reports, Fukuda said, the WHO has not seen big mutations in the virus since it first emerged.
Ironically, Mobic sales surged when worries about Celebrex and Vioxx first emerged.
When the H1N1 flu crisis first emerged, the United Nations was in the forefront -- and centre -- providing information and coordinating the response.
As he did when the claims first emerged, Menendez said Tuesday the claims are "false smears" lifted from right-wing blogs ahead of the election.
Ms Glass criticised the Met for not referring the case to the watchdog when the scale of their internal concerns first emerged in early 2008.
The altered e-mails first emerged one year before the litigation commenced.
As electronic payment processing first emerged, only closed, proprietary platforms existed.
FORBES: Mobile Payments: The Case For Choosing An Open Platform
Reporters Lilia Rodriguez Luciano and Jeffrey Burnside - named alongside NBC in the complaint - were fired after details of the edited audio recordings first emerged.
When the story about Prisoner X first emerged, Israeli media said the unidentified man was being held incommunicado at Ayalon high-security prison in Ramle, central Israel.
When the story about Prisoner X first emerged, Israeli media said the unidentified man was being held in isolation at Ayalon high-security prison in Ramle, central Israel.
BBC: Israel's mystery Prisoner X 'was Australian Ben Zygier'
He has been tracking the Syrian Electronic Army since May 2011, when it first emerged as an organized group with a Facebook page and then its own website.
The issue first emerged in Edinburgh at the end of last year and Dame Elish Angiolini has been tasked with investigating practices at the city's Mortonhall Crematorium.
Since the Greek crisis first emerged, analysts pointed out, European leaders have already increased cooperation, such as the European Financial Stability Facility and sovereign-bond purchases by the European Central Bank.
FORBES: Currency Strategists: Euro Remains Vulnerable But Likely To Survive
After narrowly missing out in recent years, wide receiver Cris Carter finally will make the trip to Canton -- just 120 miles from where he first emerged at Ohio State University.
When the smoke first emerged from the chimney, it appeared pale on the massive screens planted throughout the square, prompting cheers from faithful who thought a new pope had already been elected.
He said the watchdog did not have the powers, when the allegations first emerged in 2009, to impose fines and other penalties but had issued warning notices of future action against 14 companies.
Up until then, the 700 square mile island had been sitting in splendid sunlit isolation for about 10 million years, since it first emerged from the Indian Ocean in a series of volcanic eruptions.
But he did have one big regret: that he had not met the Cure the NHS campaigners when concerns first emerged and the Healthcare Commission stepped in to investigate higher than expected death rates there.