The adjoining symbols show the change from a prior fiscal period.
Jobs began his comments Monday by relishing in Apple's successes with the iPhone 4, pointing to the 14.1 million smartphones the company sold during the recent three-month fiscal period.
The market is "paying close attention to how much a weakening yen might have helped companies like Toyota as the earnings reporting season gets under way for the just-concluded fiscal period, " said Naoki Fujiwara, fund manager at Shinkin Asset Management.
This is legislation that, as you know, is a two-year bill and spends out over that two-year period -- two fiscal-year period of time.
For the first quarter of fiscal 2002 (ended June 30, 2001) earnings per share were up 7% over the comparable period in fiscal 2001 and sales rose 59%.
Will the GOP concede and compromise in the critical pre-fiscal cliff lame duck period?
The first problem is that the military services are facing a period of fiscal austerity due to budget deficits, and technology investment is usually the first item to be cut when defense budgets turn down.
FORBES: New Radio Could Revolutionize Combat for U.S. Forces
The company just posted domestic same-store sales growth of nearly 5 percent during the fiscal fourth quarter and about the same percentage for its international stores for that period and for the full fiscal year.
FORBES: Domino's Global Growth Feeds Pizza Chain's Rising Success
Two estimates out of six have moved higher for fiscal 2013 over the same period.
The strategic plan spans a minimum six year period: the fiscal year it is submitted, and at least five fiscal years forward from that fiscal year.
The smart money is on the U.S. falling over the fiscal cliff for a short period of time before everything gets ironed out at some point early next year.
Market research firm Input projects federal cybersecurity funding will increase 9% annually through 2015, but the government is entering a period of severe fiscal austerity and there are many other claimants for government dollars.
FORBES: Cyberwarfare May Be A Bust For Many Defense Contractors
"Elevated borrowing costs persisting for an extended period would amplify the fiscal challenges the French government faces amid a deteriorating growth outlook, with negative credit implications, " the agency said.
Infosys had warned in January that challenges in terms of the time taken for contracts to close, and the reluctance of clients to expand projects could hurt its results in the January-March period, its fourth fiscal quarter.
An extended period of economic depression and fiscal austerity can trash the balance sheet of the healthiest bank.
After a period of sluggish growth between fiscal 2010 and fiscal 2012, annual earnings growth is expected to ramp up nicely over the next two years.
In March Hikari Tsushin reported a net gain for the first nine months of fiscal 2012, stemming losses in the same period the prior year.
FORBES: Fifteen Years of Ups and Downs for Yasumitsu Shigeta
Payment of a fixed penalty notice will not be recorded as a criminal conviction, but anyone who receives more than two in a six-month period will be reported to the fiscal as normal, as will anyone with recent convictions for anti-social behaviour offences.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh and East | Hi-tech fines to save police time
In Sony's fiscal first quarter it outperformed the year-before period, which wasn't hard since that one was unprofitable.
Businesses are already dealing with the consequences of a lackluster holiday period, a time where unease about the fiscal cliff restrained shopping.
FORBES: Debt Ceiling: GOP Is Rightly Backing Down On Shutdown Threats
The private-education provider swung to a better-than-expected fiscal second-quarter profit following a year-earlier period hampered by write-downs, but enrollment weakness continued to pressure revenue.
Diamond Foods (DMND) announced that it earned five cents per share during the most recent fiscal quarter versus one cent per share in the same period last year.
Monsanto (MON) announced that it lost 44 cents a share in the most recent fiscal quarter versus a 42 cent loss is the same period last year, two cents below analyst estimates.
Device revenues for the first half of fiscal 2013 are already down over 50% over the same period last year.
FORBES: RIM On The Rebound As BB10 Nearing Launch Gives Investors Hope
Do our modern day econometric models have the ability to understand the impacts of fiscal retrenchment after a financial crisis having been calibrated in a period of excessive leverage?
So Treasury officials stress that relative to both last year's budget and November's pre-budget report, the fiscal stance has tightened for the next two years, the period the Bank looks at most closely when considering the outlook for inflation.
But that was 2009 and this is now: Oshkosh disclosed in late July that results for its fiscal third quarter had deteriorated markedly from the year-earlier period, driven down in large part by a 35 percent decline in defense sales and a 63 percent decline in defense profits.
FORBES: Oshkosh Proof That Pentagon Can Make, Or Break, A Company
Device revenues for the first half of fiscal year 2013 are already down over 50% over the same period last year.
FORBES: RIM Is Still Worth $12 As BB10 Nears Launch In January
To measure the "Wal-Mart effect" on profits across different industries, Forbes analyzed information compiled by Revere to compare the percentage of sales that various firms generated through Wal-Mart in fiscal 2006 to the gross margins those firms produced during the same period.
To measure the "Wal-Mart effect" on profits across different industries, Forbes analyzed information compiled by Revere to compare the percentage of sales that various firms generated through Wal-Mart in fiscal 2006 to the gross margins those firms produced during the same period, as compiled by FactSet .