Fitful power means firms often pay for television ads that viewers do not get to see.
After a fitful night, Ford returned to the hospital later that morning at Betty's insistence.
As a result, the government is making fitful progress on its most urgent task: restoring order.
In Ghana's case, incomplete political liberalization and fitful intellectual reform clipped its economic success in the 1990s.
The fitful entente between the Turks and the Iraqi Kurds is crucial to America's quest to keep Iraq stable.
At the sound of the shot, the dogs in Dashtian had begun to bark, the sound fitful in the breeze.
After several years of fitful restructuring, Tyco split itself into three pieces in 2007, renaming the health care division Covidien.
The lyrics address wasted afternoons, restless days spent "looking for a sign, " and Jones sings them in insomniac bursts, tense and fitful.
On a recent Saturday morning, winter sun battled fitful rain.
President Boris Yeltsin's fitful rule is seen to be ever more designed to serve the purposes of those around him, and ever less to serve the interests of the people at large.
While Romney has called for repealing the Dodd-Frank Act, the centerpiece of Obama's fitful efforts to reform Wall Street, he hasn't provided much in the way of detail regarding how he'd address the too-big-to-fail problem.
Not until the last fitful months of the Bush Administration did a serious person with a meaningful understanding of communications strategy come to the fore, and even then, it was too late for him to do anything.
Just how much so readers will learn from Martin Gilman's account of Russia's fitful, often stumbling economic reforms in the short decade between the collapse of the Soviet Union and the country's default on its domestic debt in 1998.
The announcement was somewhat fitful.
WSJ: Website, Video Says Anthony Weiner to Run for New York City Mayor