And Stuart Broad marked his call-up to the Test squad with a five-wicket haul.
Televerde delivered five times as many leads as the other, and the leads were better.
Several members of the celebrity group suffered from altitude sickness during the five-day ascent.
The old fort is no less imposing now as it was in VistaVision five decades ago.
And yesterday, the questions to Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke went on for five hours.
He is comfortably sized, barely cresting the five-foot barrier, shaven of head and broad of smile.
Libya's win takes them to the top of Group Three, with 10 points from five matches.
But the company, which tripled sales over the past five years, is far from infallible.
Four of the five Great Apes are found here: Mountain gorillas, Lowland gorillas, Chimpanzees and Bonobos.
Nicole was raised as a Baptist, but converted to Islam four or five years ago.
BBC: US woman Nicole Mansfield 'brainwashed' into Syria fight
After nearly five years living abroad, Hoggart was starting to miss England and academic life.
Gave him five dollars and went on my way, big city blues in my soul.
The article 'Five family-friendly adventures' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Traveller.
Mr. BRYANT: At least your team has gone to the World Series five or six times.
She lives in a FEMA trailer in Pass Christian, Mississippi with her husband and five children.
The UK has entered the competition every year since 1959 and has won on five occasions.
Three quarters of people with severe heart failure will not live beyond five years.
Kluane also offers about 160km of backcountry trails, ranging from five-day treks to half-hour cakewalks.
Some 1.5 million children under five die each year from sickness caused by water-borne diseases.
UNESCO: World Water Day 22 March 2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World
There is no doubt that China has done well over the last five years.
In a career spanning five decades, their effect on pop has still not diminished.
McRae, a very different Supreme Court upheld the Hyde Amendment by a slim five-to-four vote.
Low-income women have abortion rates five times as high as women in higher income brackets.
In Bhutanese culture, one is expected to think about death five times a day.
The five courses are cleverly intertwined with five live pantomimes performed throughout the evening.
In May, a new five-euro note will be put into circulation by the European Central Bank.
The article 'Five extended weekends' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Traveller.
The article 'Cast away: five island paradises' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Traveller.
By 2010 they will have probably 40, 000 to 45, 000 miles of four-lane or five-lane highways.
The article 'Five unforgettable rail journeys' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet Traveller.