S. Gurubaran, as he plies customers with fizzy drinks in his home-appliances shop in Chengalpattu.
It sells machines people use in their homes to make their own fizzy drinks.
Sweets, crisps and fizzy drinks disappeared from vending machines, which were removed or else dispensed healthy snacks.
Another worry is that the new non-fizzy drinks will cannibalise the fizzy ones.
In Scottish primaries this term, new rules include a ban on sweets and fizzy drinks and restrictions on fried foods.
The latest figures reflect efforts to raise revenues, from levying VAT on fizzy drinks in Maharashtra to raising stamp duty.
Industry tracker Beverage Digest has reported that consumption of fizzy drinks in the US has been declining steadily since 1998.
It is also restricting the import of goods, such as fizzy drinks, which it has learnt to manufacture under the siege.
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Coke's bosses now feel they are on the right track with its offering of fizzy drinks, vitamin water, juice, coffee and tea.
Sales of Coca-Cola's fizzy drinks grew by only 2% last year, with Fanta, recording 6% growth in sales, one of the strongest performers.
Call it revenge upon the nerds, the unhappy result of sitting in front of a computer all day long, fizzy drinks at the ready.
Fizzy drinks should be heavily taxed and junk food adverts banished until after the watershed, doctors have said, in a call for action over obesity.
Fringe retailers, by her definition, are those shops that specialise in food high in salt, fat and sugar, plus non-food items such as fizzy drinks.
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But those who drank four cans or glasses of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about a third.
Lee Kaplan, of Massachusetts General Hospital, stressed that the research in no way proved that consuming fizzy drinks caused gullet cancer - it was just pointing out a possible association.
Their design originated more than a century ago, when Guy Hugh Gilbey, the famous British gin distiller, invented a machine for wealthy people who wanted to enjoy fizzy drinks at home.
More than half of those aged between four and 18 also suffered from dental erosion - when acid found for example in fizzy drinks and some fruit juices directly rots the teeth.
This has been a major cause for distress among investors given that consumers in the North American region have been steadily moving away from fizzy drinks towards healthier options such as juices and sports drinks.
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How ironic that in the mad scramble to acquire noncarbonated beverages, which are growing in volume three times faster than fizzy drinks, one of the best-known brands can't find its way to the auction block.
Easier to chug than hot coffee or tea, less likely to upset your stomach than fizzy energy drinks, doing it all without leaving a gritty coating in your mouth like a 5-Hour Energy Shot.
Likewise, what is the point of offering passengers anything but cans of fizzy American soft drinks like Coca-Cola and 7-Up, when the airline is operating in a region blessed with a bounty of fresh fruits?