Was Republican Party chairman Haley Barbour's four-line press release equivalent to then Democratic Party head Ron Brown's flying the flag at half staff over party headquarters and attending services when his counterpart, Lee Atwater, died young of a brain tumor?
The Punjab government has announced a three-day mourning period as a mark of respect for Mr. Singh, during which the national flag will fly at half-staff on government buildings.
Direct Line, which owns the Churchill and Green Flag brands, employs about 15, 000 staff in total.
The barbecue ambassadors also brought with them a large green Hillcrest hospital flag, signed by as many as 500 staff members who wrote encouraging messages on it.
Check-in staff said he had to pay to take the flag on the flight.
Indeed, Etsy estimates that about 1, 300 of its 800, 000 active sellers flag items on the site each week for review by Etsy staff.
The biggest threat to their chances of winning will come from an all-English trio of Jamie Staff, Matt Crampton and Jason Kenny competing under the flag of sponsors Science in Sport.
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On Monday, the first of Brazil's three days of mourning, flowers were left outside the club in tribute to the victims, and a flag outside the country's presidential palace flew at half-staff.
In the small town near the depot, a massive flag in a park across from the local war memorial waved at half-staff.
Kennedy, former U.S. Army deputy chief of staff for intelligence, is the first and only woman to have received this flag rank in the U.S. Army.
The flag over the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, was lowered to half-staff.
The flag at Downing Street, the prime minister's official residence, will fly at half staff.
The Union Flag which flies above the prison was lowered before churches in the town tolled their bells and staff left the prison for the final time.
BBC: Shepton Mallet prison closure marked with special service
Those strategic realities were described authoritatively in a study published in Commentary magazine in 1994 prepared by the Center for Security Policy by eleven distinguished American security policy practitioners, five of them retired four-star flag officers -- including three former members of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps Commandant Gen.