As the blade slices, a blizzard of snow-white flakes floats onto an already headhigh mound.
It is traditionally made with water, kombu, a dried seaweed, and dried, smoked bonito fish flakes.
People who are in shape year-round have less to worry about when the flakes start falling.
CNN: Shoveling snow? How to protect your back (and your heart)
Tony the Tiger has sold billions of dollars worth of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes since his 1952 debut.
The storm's well-publicized approach prompted a run on supplies in Boston-area stores long before flakes began falling.
We're not defending an idea that every human being should eat corn flakes, play baseball or watch MTV.
CNN: McCain's August 6, 2007, speech addressing private property rights
And all salts contain sodium, regardless of the cost or whether it comes in grains, crystals or flakes.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | How do I know if I'm eating 6g of salt a day?
Mr. Mattos calls for tossing the chicken pieces with pungent garlic, hot chili flakes and sweet fennel seeds.
WSJ: Ignacio Mattos's Fennel, Chili and Yogurt Roast Chicken with Parsley Salad | Slow Food Fast
Stealth inflation was occurring, too, as anyone knew who opened a box of cereal containing more air than flakes.
Flakes continued to fall throughout the night after tapering off from the snow-globe-like flurries that brightened up batting practice.
An Edison bulb burns 1, 000 hours before the hammered metal filament flakes out.
Dried pepper powder and flakes are sold online in the U.S. and abroad.
Over the next decade, itchy, painful lesions spread across his body, shedding white flakes the size of cookie crumbs.
As soon as "the first flakes fall down we will drive out ... and (begin) the snow cleaning, " he added.
Brush lightly with oil and sprinkle with chopped onions, herbs, salt, pepper and chili flakes according to your own taste.
Yes, the weather report said it would snow this evening, but where exactly are those clouds and flakes right now?
The morning customers want viscous shakes that will last their whole commute, perhaps with flakes of fruit to keep them entertained.
Snow had started falling again, in tiny flakes at first and then in thicker chunks slanting down from a dark, milky sky.
The leak was detected after space station crew reported seeing small white flakes floating away from the station, the space agency said.
In the yard behind the outbuildings, the fodder stack was a smoking pile, flakes of black ash blowing off in the breeze.
And she could hold the snow globe to her narrowed eyes and watch the whirling white flakes fall until they blinded her.
We had isolated snow flakes falling out of the sky on the walk to the stadium, but now the skies are blue.
Iowa corn farmers push up the price of corn flakes by being so appallingly profit motivated that they ship corn to Mexico as exports.
FORBES: Lou Dobbs and Bill O'Reilly Don't Seem to Understand Exports
Once the noodles are coated in that glorious sauce flecked with red pepper flakes, chopped parsley and scallions, seal them inside their parchment packets.
WSJ: Marc Vetri's Spaghetti in Parchment With Clams | Slow Food Fast
So might be distributors, painters and any other links in the chain between the production of paint and its deterioration into dust and flakes.
It sells Colgate toothpaste for an average of 63% of its competitors' price, Tropicana orange juice for 58% and Kellogg's Corn Flakes for 56%.
Christopher Cassidy and Thomas Marshburn installed the new pump after removing the old one suspected of spewing flakes of frozen ammonia coolant two days earlier.
The leak was detected after the crew reported seeing small white flakes floating away from the station, NASA said Thursday in a news release.
The crystalline flakes offer hints of briny mussels or ocean-tossed seaweed.
Choose your own ingredients from tender squid, plump prawns or juicy pork, topped off with bonito (fish) flakes, a thick brown okonomiyaki sauce and mayonnaise.