In their view, Gingrich is an irresponsible flamethrower because he is turning his back on a 30- year bipartisan consensus.
Mr Ford said he did not think the use of a flamethrower on a car "would be acceptable in this jurisdiction".
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He worried about Harvey overthrowing last month, when he showed this sort of intensity before his outing against Washington Nationals flamethrower Stephen Strasburg.
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Inevitably, as darkness fell, Matt's dad, Bob Walker, would let loose a two-fingered whistle that shot up Emerald Lane's steep hill like a flamethrower.
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Flamethrower Zack Wheeler, acquired from San Francisco for Carlos Beltran's expiring contract, dazzled with his 98 mile-per-hour fastball, sparking visions of Wheeler joining Matt Harvey and Jon Niese to form the holy trinity of Flushing.
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That big move came when Cashman gambled his can't-miss top prospect, the slugging catcher Jesus Montero, for Pineda, a 6-foot-7 flamethrower from the Dominican Republic who became an All Star in his 2011 rookie season.
WSJ: Pineda Done Before Starting
The flamethrower was never, ever defensive.
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