Hoping to allay parental fears, Frito-Lay has now introduced the slightly healthier baked Flaming Hot Cheetos.
And Flaming Hot Cheetos are definitely their rising star, especially in places like Texas and California.
The FLAMING LIPS: (Singing "Mr. Ambulance Driver") Mr. Ambulance Driver, I'm not a real survivor.
Even his skin is covered in tattoos of red stars and flaming dollar signs.
She rode to the flaming towers that day and was one truck away from being killed.
It was sweeping round swiftly and steadily, this flaming death, this invisible, inevitable sword of heat.
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These are generally indicated by a colored icon with a bright, flaming red circle around it.
Back then, investment was always up and biofuels seemed always to be flaming out.
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The owner of the original flaming thunderbolt of wisdom was the Divine Madman himself, Lama Drukpa Kunley.
Now, after major changes in personnel and in their sound, the Flaming Lips have a new album.
Pictures of the flaming aftermath of the helicopter crash in central London are on many front pages.
Mr. STEVEN DROZD (Band Member, Flaming Lips): I'm Steven from the Flaming Lips and I play assorted instruments.
Listening to a Flaming Lips song is a bit like getting stuck between stations on the FM dial.
In 1994, the alternative rock group, the Flaming Lips, entered the pop mainstream after appearing on the T.
The FLAMING LIPS (Rock Group): (Singing "She Don't Use Jelly") She don't use jelly or any of these.
There are nine codes relating to injuries caused by parrots, and three relating to burns from flaming water-skis.
Some brilliant prospects don't get hired, flaming out when background checks show they are difficult to work with.
The FLAMING LIPS: (Singing "Haven't Got a Clue") You haven't got a clue...
It all started with an image of a skeleton dunking a flaming basketball.
Black smoke billowed from the flaming taxi, amid popping sounds from the fire.
Flaming triangles, circles and squares would be a beacon to our solar neighbors, at least until the fire went out.
The Radio 1 stage, meanwhile, is led by two bands known for their experimental performances - Mansun and The Flaming Lips.
This galaxy experienced Nasdaq-like turbulence, with numer ous new Stars bursting onto the scene and a number of others flaming out.
It also does not hurt that they heated the chorizo appetizer tableside on a flaming, pig-shaped casserole of traditional Portuguese pottery.
In a flaming-red power suit she limped on two crunches to the boardroom table, still recovering from a July hip surgery.
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If you've got school age children, you may be aware of a red menace that is sweeping the nation, Flaming Hot Cheetos.
There's even a show with songs by The Flaming Lips planned for this winter at the La Jolla Playhouse in Southern California.
The flaming arrows, once aimed squarely at chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, were directed instead in the direction of his chief of PR.
This year, Record Store Day highlights will include limited edition offerings from The Flaming Lips, Bruce Springsteen, Arcade Fire and others.