They sat above the ground on stilts, like flamingos balanced on impossibly thin legs.
Flamingos and pelicans feed in the deeper water, and African penguins and gannets breed on the offshore islands.
The long-legged power flamingos are popping up like spring flowers on a hillside near you.
In 13 feature films, including "Pink Flamingos" and "Hairspray, " he gleefully presents depraved characters undermining a society of squares.
Ms. Schory's paintings of flamingos, koi fish and butterflies appear on several items, including jigsaw puzzles, light switch plates and T-shirts.
The best time to visit is during the winter months between November and March, but small numbers of flamingos can be seen year round.
Some 106 miles to the southeast is a network of salt lakes that are home in spring and summer to vast flocks of pink flamingos.
From May to March and September through November the sky is so full of migrating cranes, storks, pelicans and flamingos, it is hard for sunlight to peek through.
Get a leg up on your vacation planning with a four-night trip for two to Villa del Palmar Flamingos Beach Resort and Spa, on Mexico's west coast.
Brown, an acclaimed author and illustrator of four children's books, brings these images to life in his wacky new collection of poems and paintings, Flamingos on the Roof.
The beach is sheltered by sand dunes overgrown with juniper bushes, and at one point runs between the sea and a saltwater lagoon that is often home to flocks of flamingos.
To Roberts, Lake Zakher has reliably proved something of a birdwatcher's paradise, with herons, flamingos and stilts among the rich diversity of species drawn to this rare water source.
Farther upstream, the horizon turns pink and the boat punts towards hundreds of squawking flamingos, hopping in and out of the water as they forage for lunch or fly off to the riverbanks.
Besides getting super close to seals, penguins, flamingos, sea lions and giant tortoises, one other appeal of the land-based trips is (at least for those prone to seasickness) guests sleep in hotels every night.
Waters was gleeful at having made a teen-message movie with a PG rating: He was, after all, the Prince of Puke, the man who'd ended Pink Flamingos with his homicidal heroine eating a fresh doggy turd.