• All the important switches in the passenger compartment-except for the hazard flasher switch-are soft-touch components that have a similar feel to using a touchscreen.

    ENGADGET: VW unveils CrossBlue plug-in SUV with iPad mini headrests and 85MPGe efficiency (eyes-on)

  • The guide sets the rigs: a squid-mimicking "hoochie" lure, a studded 10-pound sinker on a quick-release clip, and a trailing "flasher"--a laminated card, gaudily reflective, like something that snags your eye at a used-car lot.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • At once a soap opera and an anti-soap, the show was an assault on a TV-addled audience, with its heroine becoming as alarmed by the waxy yellow buildup on her kitchen floor as she was by the revelation that her grandfather was the notorious Fernwood flasher.

    NEWYORKER: Tune in Next Week

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