In our house, every plate, glass and fork was from some Brooklyn flea market.
To date, Nair and Davin have purchased scores of trunks at auctions and at flea markets.
This is like comparing a roadside flea market to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Soon he began combing flea markets, antique shops and junk stores for more deals.
When it comes to shopping, Ms. van Herpen likes the flea market at Porte de Clignancourt.
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Stolen instruments can turn up on eBay, at flea markets or be sold privately.
So far, Novasite is a flea-speck operation under the wing of a relatively small biotechnology company.
No wonder auction-houses and flea-market operators fret that they may soon lose much of their business.
The Sand Flea can leap through a window or onto a roof, filming all the while.
At a recent flea market I watched and spoke to Greeks picking through piles of cheap clothing.
That had been the whole idea, the lofty rationale behind the snow-globe collection and the flea-market eyewear.
It may well turn up at a Southern California flea market for half of what you paid.
Surprise finds like this are what keep Antiques Roadshow, stoop sales and flea markets in business.
Once a trader in the seafront flea-market, his souvenir shack was destroyed, and with it his livelihood.
There are shops selling jade and incense, and when the afternoon arrives, flea-market vendors spread their wares on the ground.
When Jonathan mentioned he was thinking about starting a flea market, I was looking for a lifestyle change.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the first prototype emerged from a "beat-up old typing table" that she found in a flea market.
Family-oriented attractions range from a traditional flea circus and carnival games to live performances and an ornate musical carousel.
Flea markets are a very good place to look for vintage kitchen mixing bowls, which I love to serve from.
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Plenty of people love to spend their time looking for treasures and unique items at flea markets and yard sales.
Weekends also see the city's biggest flea market take over Strasse des 17 Juni, just west of the Tiergarten park.
Olympia opens with "You Can Dance, " a sinuous, throbbing track propelled by three bass players, Flea among them, and slashing guitars.
It was a clear case of the flea swallowing the elephant by taking on billions in debt to accomplish the transaction.
That is, they don't want to require people at these gunshows and flea markets to have to do the same background checks.
Many bricks-and-mortar bookshops still make a good living, as do flea markets.
But rather than order parts from catalogues, Williams is a first-class junk-picker, trawling flea markets and junk dealers in his Jaguar sedan.
The book features prime examples from Ms. Fili's personal collection of vintage logos and signage, culled mostly from flea markets throughout Europe.
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Lucy Chadwick, head veterinary surgeon with the retailer Pet Drugs Online, says sales of flea treatments are up 25% on previous years.
The inside is almost entirely decorated with objects that Mr. Starck picked out from the flea-market over the course of two years.
The 26-year-old deejay and producer has a formidable collection of turntables, computers and video monitors, many of them culled from area flea markets.