His message for the monetary union is that it needs rules but rules that are interpreted flexibly.
People who work flexibly can have more job satisfaction, be healthier and more productive.
Users at the same time are mobile and can access their information and entertainment more flexibly.
Firms that use it can connect into all of each others' business processes, flexibly and cheaply.
No other animal not even our closest relatives, bonobos and chimpanzees can interpret our gestures as flexibly as dogs.
WSJ: Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods: The Secret Genius of Dogs
But when businesses need products finely tailored and delivered quickly and flexibly, then eastern Europe scores highly.
Fuel cells are making faster progress not because of regulation (California applied its emissions laws surprisingly flexibly).
The reason you prepared is so that you all can react quickly and flexibly to the situation you face.
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Increase the likelihood that corporate leaders will support the need to flexibly manage work and life better and smarter.
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Economic sense argues for a gentle start to emissions cuts, moving flexibly towards deep cuts in the long term.
The post-recessionary world demands a new game-plan for companies to operate quickly, flexibly and strategically within a more volatile environment.
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And from the other perspective, of course, the site is enabling mobile workers to flexibly book spaces to work in.
The two northern executives will always want more cash, more power and more ability to respond flexibly to local conditions.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | When neighbours become good friends?
Companies want to port software and services to mobile devices so their employees can work more flexibly and efficiently, says Antieri.
That's not hugely important at Monaco but I think it did allow them to use their tyres more flexibly in qualifying.
And what distinguishes her from other teachers is that she flexibly allows the kids to move and point to the book.
Just 42% said those wanting to be CEO would work flexibly in 2061, with 20% adding that it would only be women.
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We can only succeed when our people can act quickly and flexibly.
In fact, Zhou Xiaochuan in the Caixin interview also said Beijing would manage the yuan more flexibly by relaxing the existing trading band.
These are often the same large companies that have kept Indonesia down since the Crisis, unable or unwilling to flexibly adapt to new circumstances.
There should no longer be any doubt that private industry can build and operate space transportation vehicles more rapidly, cheaply and flexibly than government.
In Kyrgyzstan, United Nations and Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) envoys worked in tandem, quickly and flexibly, to help ease the crisis.
It would be far better, she says, if states could combine these funds more flexibly for job-training, as they were allowed to do with welfare.
To do this, Africa will need to ensure its young people have the skills that enable them to adapt flexibly to new areas of work.
"And older workers who you may want to keep on because of their skills or contacts will want to work differently more flexibly and less, " Moen says.
To the contrary, aircraft may be decisive in helping the West repulse such attacks -- provided they may be introduced into the theater flexibly and supported effectively.
Children with ASD have difficulty communicating, interacting and behaving flexibly.
The best contribution that monetary policy can make to high and stable levels of growth and employment is to respond flexibly and transparently to bring inflation back to target.
"We must move away from this blanket closure and find ways to flexibly open air space, step by step, " IATA head Giovanni Bisignani told a news briefing in Paris.
And so it is with content providers who must now think flexibly about how their content will be received and how their diaspora of customers may be reliably addressed.
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